Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Power of Nine

For those new to the newsletter (and welcome everyone!) I work with a group of guides who call themselves, “The Power of Nine.” They tell me that they work with me to teach “empowerment to those I love.” Hence, I call you all my Beloveds!

I have been asked by the Group to bring forth a message to you. Zenthea is stepping forth to bring this month’s message.


It is I Zenthea…Goddess of Oneness. For I teach and instruct this channel and through her, all of you how to leave your lower self and align and live from your Higher Self. It is in this energy that you recognize the interconnectedness of all of you, of all life.

Some who read this newsletter have not yet experienced the loving guidance of the Group of Nine…consciously or unconsciously. Some who read this newsletter are stuck in the old ways of shifting out of paradigms. You think you do this through talking and crying. You think you do this by using your mind to determine the steps, the “how,” like there is a magic formula that you can figure out!

I am here today to tell you that there is nothing to figure out! You make it so hard. You are love. You are Light. You are perfection already. All you must do is BE that perfection. Live that. Don’t forget that!

If you find you do, simply let that false belief go. There are new energies on the planet that help you do that in minutes. This is what we have taught this channel and made available to you---through her. You can learn to do this yourself. There is no need to live in pain, fear, sorrow, shame, guilt or blame. There is no room for that in within your perfection! For you already are that which you seek!

I say to you, “Stop seeking.” Release what keeps you from JOY! Truly, the time has come on your planet for those who call yourselves Lightworkers to live fully in JOY! Anything less is denying you, robbing you of all you came to experience. And the truth is no one is robbing you of this JOY, but you!

Oh, those minds are now churning…I can feel them and see them. They are trying to figure out how this can be so. How can I achieve this? They are trying to come up again with the magic formula. Some are now resisting such an idea. Some are trying to justify why this is impossibility in their own life at this time! I say part of your divine nature is JOY! Why do you choose not to express it in all that you do….for it is a choice!

Your very Beingness is JOY! It is one of the 3 highest vibratations on the planet: love, gratitude and JOY! Don’t these three words represent the fullness in life? Don’t you feel the wonder of life when you are in these energies? Can you not create masterpieces of friendships, of service, of celebration when you are in the energies of these vibrations?

Delight, Beloveds, in your life! Let go of those beliefs, patterns, fears, frustrations, and any lack that keeps you from your JOY! Celebrate your friends who are the forerunners and ahead of you on the path. Don’t think that I do not see some of you who envy your brothers and sisters single-mindedness in their quest for Oneness. I say this is the wrong way to look at why you have drawn these forerunners into your life. Their presence creates a tension in your life. This tension causes you to look at that which you would like to gloss over and to not go deeper within to see. But you call in this Beloved out of curiosity, out of reverence. This person is holding the vibration that you desire to move to…but often you can’t move, you won’t move.

This is resistance! Sometimes jealousy is in the way. Sometimes you block the path with excuses---time, money, or other priorities. Sometimes you can’t be humble and admit you have anything to gain from THAT person! Oh yes, I see the judgments. That is one of the biggest stumbling blocks you have in this journey! Oh how they keep you from your Light! Oh how they keep you separate.

You call to us---your guides---and cry that life is not working. You call asking for help and then resist the help that is brought to you. Why not reach out to those that have been sent? Humble yourselves. Ask for help. Trust that when you go to another with an open heart you will be received in love. What you need is available. You no longer have to suffer. Won’t you join the forerunners in healing? Won’t you accept their help?

So I leave you asking yourself, “What help is being sent my way that I am not seeing or receiving?”

In the name of Love and All That Is, I leave you in JOY and Peace.

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