Sunday, October 26, 2008

The FEAR Monster

Presently many of my clients are experiencing fear and stress around the failing financial structures! They are wondering if life is unfolding in Divine Order and are struggling with the monster I call FEAR!

As a child, I used to be afraid that monsters were hiding in the closet and under the bed! I would hide under the covers. I would call-in my parents to check. I would know with certainty that evil lurked in the dark and when the lights went back out that those monsters would reappear in the shadows of my room!

Fear is like that monster. We know that monsters don’t really exist and yet, the FEAR Monster is haunting society today and wreaking havoc EVERYWHERE! Where are the MONSTER BUSTERS?

We are each called to slay our own monsters! Whether we are afraid because of finances, partnership, family, love, career or health, our monsters are scary and the tendency is to hide, to run, and/or to deny its existence!

Busting our monsters may need to come in the form of personal power. Standing up to the monster and confronting what the monster is there to teach us! Yet, that is required…to be present and feel that fear and trust that we are not going to be devoured by our emotional body! But that requires trust and surrender! Surrendering to the knowledge that we are more powerful than what we are running from!

Surrender can be scary to most of us! We perceive we are surrendering to the monster and feelings of annihilation surface. Surrender can feel like we are waving the white flag and giving up, giving into something that has the power to consume us! Or we can perceive it as failure or as feeling out of control. Or as powerlessness! Our egos, our minds would prefer that we control life and our circumstances. Our egos cause us to respond in need of self-protection, out of fear!

Many times we try to control the situation---how many of us slept with the light on so the monsters would go away? Did the light on really keep the monsters away? Were we really in control with the lights on? Were we really in our power or trying to waylay our fear when we called turned on the lights or called our parents? Control is an illusionary state. How many times have you divined to act in a certain way or say a certain thing to manipulate the situation to get the outcome you wanted? Or have you even given up control to please others?

Today won’t you ask yourself, “What FEAR monster am I running from?” “What false belief am I clinging to?” Sometimes the tighter that we cling to outcomes, the greater the stirring in the universe to shatter our illusions that we can dictate the outcome of our lives!

Control is a type of resistance. Control shuts down our energy field it restricts, tightens our auras! We are not meant to live in this state…We are meant to be EXPANSIVE. We are meant to live in our Greatness. I am not talking about ego-driven greatness, but from the Divine Connection that comes from our heart and the love that we are! It is within this heart space we connect with our Divine Truth and offer our lives to others. It is in this space that there is no attack and no separation! There is nothing to defend and nothing to control, for all is unfolding in divine order.

Remember the movie “Monsters, Inc.”? Boo loved Sulley. It was her love and trust that transformed the Fear Factory.

Does this mean that the FEAR Monster will ever leave completely and that we will never have feelings of separation or doubt or fear or failure? Of course not. But it does mean that in these moments we meet ourselves with loving kindness. No judgment. Allow yourself to be blameless and look beneath the action or reaction to see what precipitated your response. For this is the place where true healing can occur!

We are all being called to be Boo and to live with more conscious awareness--to be fully present in each moment and align with the Divine Consciousness. We are asked to align with our passions and to live purposefully. For it is with boredom that we become complacent and apathetic and thusly, slip into unconsciousness.

The Monsters in Monsters, Inc transformed when they looked at how they were using their power to fulfill the needs of the community! Presently, the Universe is asking us to look at the way we direct our power and accept full responsibility that we consciously co-create our life!

So fulfill the needs in your life with your Divine Heart energy and lovingly connect with love and light that you are! The Fear Monster cannot reside within this space of LOVE!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Regarding Heaven or Hell

Regarding Heaven

Written by Pope John Paul II--July 1999

“In the context of Revelation, we know that ‘heaven’ or happiness’ in which we will find ourselves is neither an abstraction nor a physical place in the clouds, but a living, personal relationship with the Holy Trinity. It is our meeting with our Father which takes place in the risen Christ through the communion of Holy Spirit. It is always necessary to maintain a certain restraint in describing these ‘ultimate realities’ since their depiction is always unsatisfactory. Today’s personalist language is better suited to describing the state of happiness and peace we will enjoy in our definitive communion with God.” (1)

Regarding Hell

Written by Pope John Paul II--August 199

“The images of hell that Sacred Scripture presents to us must be correctly interpreted. They show the complete frustration and emptiness of life without God...More than a place, hell indicates the state of those who freely and definitively separate themselves from God. Hell is not punishment imposed externally by God, but the condition resulting from attitudes and actions which people adopt in this life. Scripture uses many images to describe the pain, frustration and emptiness of life without God. More than a physical place, hell is the state of those who freely and definitively separate themselves from God, the source of all life and joy. So eternal damnation is not God’s work but is actually our own doing.” (2)

(1) L’Osservatore Romano; “Heaven is Fullness of Communication with God”; Editorial and Management Offices; Via del Pellegrino, 00120, Vatican City, Europe; July 28, 1999; Spoken by the Pope in general audience on July 21, 1999; Full article may be seen at

(2) L’Osservatore Romano; “Hell is the State of Those who Reject God”; Editorial and Management Offices; Via del Pellegrino, 00120, Vatican City, Europe; August 4, 1999; Spoken by the Pope in general audience on July 28, 1999; Full article may be seen at

No Actual Heaven or Hell?

Written by Pope John Paul II

The Intenders Code

The Code

Ten Intentions for a Better World

To have The Code work in your life, say it once a day

By The Intenders of the Highest Good

Get your poster at

The First Intent ~ Support Life

We refrain from opposing or harming anyone. We allow others to have their own experiences. We see life in all things and honor it as if it were our own. We support life.

The Second Intent ~ Seek Truth

We follow our inner compass and discard any beliefs that are no longer serving us.

We go to the source. We seek truth.

The Third Intent ~ Set Our Course

We begin the creative process. We give direction to our lives. We set our course.

The Fourth Intent ~ Simplify

We let go so there is room for something better to come in. We intend that we are guided, guarded, protected, and connected with the Highest Good at all times. We trust and remain open to receive from both expected and unexpected sources. We simplify.

The Fifth Intent ~ Stay Positive

We see good, say good, and do good. We accept the gifts from all of our experiences.

We are living in grace and gratitude. We stay positive.

The Sixth Intent ~ Synchronize

After intending and surrendering, we take action by following the opportunities that are presented to us. We are in the flow where Great Mystery and Miracles abide, fulfilling our desires and doing what we came here to do. We synchronize.

The Seventh Intent ~ Serve Others

We practice love in action. We always have enough to spare and enough to share.

We are available to help those who need it. We serve others.

The Eighth Intent ~ Shine Our Lights

We are magnificent beings, awakening to our highest potential. We express ourselves with joy, smiling easily and laughing often. We shine our lights.

The Ninth Intent ~ Share Our Visions

We create our ideal world by envisioning it and telling others about it. We share our visions.

The Tenth Intent ~ Synergize

We see Humanity as One. We enjoy gathering in a circle regularly. When we come together, we set the stage for Great Oneness to reveal itself. We synergize.

An Excerpt from Intentions in Action . . .book is available at

That which is meant to be yours will come to you. Just as those of you who are aligned with the highest good will eventually experience your highest ideal, so shall your daily needs be met. You need never worry about your survival because there was a special mechanism put into place long ago which regulates and guarantees that everything you need will be there for you in the exact moment that you need it. Oftentimes it will not appear until the instant before it is needed, but you may be assured that while you are waiting you are being strengthened. As you learn to trust in this wondrous process the obstacles and hardships of life fall by the wayside and are replaced by a serenity that knows no limit.

These times of great upheaval are truly gifts unto you. You are constantly surrounded with an environment that is conducive for bringing out your most fulfilling form of expression. Your ego, the part of you which is in service to yourself, is giving way to a much larger, grander you - the you that is in service to others. You are blossoming in all your glory, and it is this blossoming that you have always longed for. Be open, be available, and, in the meantime, be at peace. Your prayers and intentions are all being answered.


Great Invocation

From the point of Light within the Mind of Creator, let light stream forth into the minds of all, let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of the Creator, let love stream forth into the hearts of all. May the One who is to come return to Earth.

From the Center where the will of the Creator is known, let purpose guide the little wills of all--the purpose, which the masters know and serve.

From the Center which we call the race of humanity, let the plan of love and light work out, and may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on earth.

Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to all mankind,

Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad.

May men of good will everywhere meet in a Spirit of Cooperation.

Let Peace attend the efforts of the Great Ones.

Prayer of the Order of the Dove

In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

In the Name of the Mother, Daughter and Holy Wisdom,

In the Name of Light,

In the Name of Love,

On the Wings of the Angels

And the Heart of the Dove,

May the Peace Dove of Christ be with you.

Universal Prayer

The Light of God surrounds me.

The Love of God enfolds me.

The Power of God protects me.

The Presence of God watches over me.

Where I am, God is.

Hindu Prayer for Peace

Oh God, lead us from the unreal to the Real.
Oh God, lead us from darkness to light.
Oh God, lead us from death to immortality.
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti unto all.

O Lord God Almighty may there be peace in Celestial regions.
May there be peace on earth.
May the waters be appeasing.
May herbs be wholesome, and may trees and plants bring peace to all.
May all beneficent beings bring peace to us.
May thy Vedic Law propagate peace all through the world.

May all things be a source of peace to us.
And may thy peace itself bestow peace on all.
And may that peace come to me also.

Buddhist Prayer for Peace
May all beings everywhere plagued with sufferings of body and mind quickly be freed from their illnesses.
May those frightened cease to be afraid
and may those bound be free.
May the powerless find power,
and may people think of befriending one another.
May those who find themselves in trackless,
fearful wildernesses - the children, the aged, the unprotected - be guarded by beneficent celestials,
and may they quickly attain Buddhahood.

Zoroastrian Prayer for Peace
We pray to God to eradicate all the misery in the world:
that understanding triumph over ignorance,
that generosity triumph over indifference,
that trust triumph over contempt, and
that truth triumph over falsehood.

Jainist Prayer for Peace
Peace and Universal Love is the essence of the Gospel preached by all the Enlightened Ones.
The Lord has preached that equanimity is the Dharma.
Forgive do I, creatures all,
and let all creatures forgive me.
Unto all have I amity, and unto none enmity.
Know that violence is the root cause of all miseries in the world.
Violence in fact, is the knot of bondage.
"Do not injure any living being."
This is the eternal, perennial, and unalterable
way of spiritual life.

A weapon, howsoever powerful it may be,
can always be superseded by a superior one;
but no weapon can, however,
be superior to non-violence and love.

Jewish Prayer for Peace
Come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, that we may walk the paths of the most high.
And we shall beat our swords into ploughshares, and our spears into pruning hooks.
Nations shall not lift up sword against nation - neither shall they learn war any more.
And none shall be afraid, for the mouth of the Lord of Hosts has spoken.

Shinto Prayer for Peace
Although the people living across the ocean surrounding us, I believe, are all our brothers and sisters, why are there constant troubles in this world?
Why do winds and waves rise in the ocean surrounding us?
I only earnestly wish that the wind will soon puff away all the clouds which are hanging over the tops of the mountains.

Native African Prayer for Peace
Almighty God, the Great Thumb
we cannot evade to tie any knot:
The Roaring Thunder that splits mighty trees;
the all-seeing Lord up on high who sees
even the footprints of an antelope on a rock mass here on earth.
You are the one who does not hesitate to respond to our call.
You are the cornerstone of peace.

Native American Prayer for Peace
O Great Spirit of our Ancestors, I raise my pipe to you;
To your messengers in the four winds, and
to Mother Earth who provides for your children,
Give us the wisdom to teach our children to love, to respect, and to be kind to each other, so that they may grow with peace in mind.

Let us learn to share all good things that you provide for us on this Earth.

Muslim Prayer for Peace
In the name of Allah the beneficent, the merciful. Praise be to the Lord of the Universe, who has created us and made us into tribes and nations that we may know each other, not that we may despise each other.
If the enemy incline towards peace, do thou also incline towards peace, and trust God, for the Lord is the one that heareth and knoweth all things.
And the servants of God, most Gracious are those who walk on the earth in Humility, and when we address them, we say "PEACE."

The Baha'i Prayer for Peace
Be generous in prosperity and thankful in adversity.
Be fair in thy judgment, and guarded in thy speech.
Be a lamp unto those who walk in darkness, and a home
to the stranger.
Be eyes to the blind, and a guiding light unto the feet of the erring.
Be a breath of life to the body of humankind, a dew upon the soil of the human heart,
and a fruit upon the tree of humility.

Sikh prayer for Peace
God adjudges us according to our deeds, not the clothes that we wear;
That truth is above everything, but higher still is truthful living.
Know that we attain God when we love, and only that victory endures in consequences of which no one is defeated.

Christian Prayer for Peace
Blessed are the Peacemakers
for they shall be known as the Children of God.
But I say to you that hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.
To those who strike you on the cheek offer the other also, and from those who take away your cloak, do not withhold your coat as well.
Give to everyone who begs from you, and of those who take away your goods, do not ask them again.
And as you wish that others would to do you,
do so to them.

Prayer of the Bodhisattva

Alone, in the presence of others, I walk through the waking dream of life.

Others see me.

At the first sight of recognition, they turn away; for they have forgotten.

Together, through the waking dream of Life, we journey.

May the clarity of my vision guide your life in grace, for I am a part of you.

May my action remind you of your God within, my action is your action.

May my breath become the breath that fills your body with life.

May my soul become the food with which to nourish and quicken you.

May the words from my mouth find a place of truth within your heart.

Let my tears become the water to your lips.

Allow my love to heal your body of the pain of life.

In your most healed state, may you remember your most precious gift; your divine nature.

Through our time together, may you know yourself.

In that knowing, may you find your true home, your God within.

As I Walk With Beauty

As I walk, as I walk

The universe is walking with me

In beauty it walks before me

In beauty it walks behind me

In beauty it walks below me

In beauty it walks above me

Beauty is on every side

As I walk, I walk with Beauty

*substitute the words angels and miracles for the word beauty in the prayer above

Oh Great Spirit, A Lakota Prayer

Oh Great Spirit,

Whose voice I hear in the winds,

And whose breath gives life to all the world, hear me!

I am small and weak, I need your strength and wisdom.

Let me walk in beauty, and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.

Make my hands respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear you voice.

Make me wise so that I may understand the things you have taught my people.

Let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock.

I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy--myself.

Make me always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes.

So when life fades, as the fading sunset, my spirit may come to you without shame.

From Maryanne Williamson, Illuminata: A Return to Prayer

Dear God,

I give this day to You.

May my mind stay centered on the things of spirit.

May I not be tempted to stray from love.

As I begin this day, I open to receive You.

Please enter where You already abide.

May my mind and heart be pure and true, and may I not deviate from the things of goodness.

May I see love and innocence in all mankind, behind the masks we wear and the illusions

of this worldly plane.

I surrender to You my doings this day.

I ask only that they serve You and the healing of the world.

May I bring Your love and goodness with me, to give unto others wherever I go.

Make me the person You would have me be.

Direct my footsteps, and show me what You would have me do.

Make the world a safe, more beautiful place.

Bless all Your creatures.

Heal us all, and use me, dear Lord, that I might know the joy of being used my You.


Hindu Prayer
Oh God, lead us from the unreal to the Real.
Oh God, lead us from darkness to light.
Oh God, lead us from death to immortality.
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti unto all.

Buddhist Prayer
May all beings everywhere plagued with sufferings of body and mind quickly be freed from their illnesses.
May all beings swiftly attain Buddhahood.

Zoroastrian Prayer
We pray to God that understanding will triumph over ignorance, that generosity will triumph over indifference,
that trust will triumph over contempt,
and that truth will triumph over falsehood.

Jainist Prayer
Peace and universal love is the essence of all the Gospels.
Forgive do I creatures all,
and let all creatures forgive me.

Jewish Prayer
Oh come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
that we may walk the paths of the Most High.
And we will beat our swords into ploughshares
and our spears into pruning hooks.

Shinto Prayer
We earnestly wish that the wind will soon puff away
all the clouds hanging over the tops of the mountains.

Native African Prayer
For you are one who does not hesitate to respond to our call, you are the cornerstone of peace.

Native American Prayer
Give us the wisdom to teach our children to love,
to respect and to be kind to one another,
so that we may grow with peace in mind.

Muslim Prayer
Praise be to the Lord of the Universe,
who has created us and made us into tribes and nations
that we may know each other,
not despise each other.

Baha'i Prayer
Be a breath of life unto the body of humankind,
a dew upon the soil of the human heart,
and a fruit upon the tree of humility.

Sikh Prayer
Know that we attain God when we love,
and only that victory endures in consequence of which
no one is defeated.

Christian Prayer
Love your enemies,
do good to those who hate you,
bless those who curse you,
pray for those who abuse you.
Blessed be the Peacemakers,
for they shall be called the Children of God

Effective Prayer

Steps of Effective Prayer
From Lonna Bartley for appts or to add yourself to the mailing list

Adapted from The Seven Steps of Effective Prayer
United Research Light Center
PO Box 1146
Black Mountain, NC 28711

This prayer helps release our lower minds, our egos and feelings of injury or injustice. It then affirms your
Truth and aligns you with Source. The prayer is for healing for yourself, others and the Earth. The pray
helps open you to your own awakening and protects you. As you are learning it, you are suggested to do it
in the morning and evening for 40 days. You are welcome to change the prayer to adapt it. Gratitude #9
claims that it is SO---add health, abundance.

1. I release all of my past to the Light.
Repeat and replace the phrase “my past” with each of the following:
(my negative thoughts, my fears, my blocks, all human relationships, my self-
image, inner critic, my image of others, my future, my communication, my will,
my mind, all resistance, my human wants and desires, my addictions, my
distractions, my resistance, any right to retribution, my beliefs about love,
money, sex and religion.) I forgive _______. (God, self, others, etc.)

2. I am a Being of Light. (Feel the connection through the top of your head)

3. I align my will with Divine Light. (Or insert your word for Creator, Source, God,
Oneness, Highest Good.)

4. I radiate Light through-out my whole being. Each cell and molecule of my body
resonates health, wholeness, love, peace, and joy. (Imagine the Light radiating
through your body.)

5. I radiate Light to my loved ones, to my neighborhood, to my co-workers, to my
city, to my state, to my country, to my world. (insert anyone you want---politicians,
impoverished nations, areas needing peace. Bring them into heart, feel the oneness.)

6. I radiate Light to everything—my home, my pets, my car, the rocks, the trees, the
minerals, food sources, the earth, the water. (insert anything you want to bless.)

7. I awaken to new possibilities and say, ‘Yes” to a greater unfolding of my life. I
welcome the unfolding of gifts, talents, abilities, and opportunities greater than I
have ever imagined.

8. I am (may insert--and all my Light bodies are) in a bubble of protective Light.
Only Light can come to me and only Light can be in my life. Let a bubble of \
Light surround each individual on the planet. Let Divine Love awaken all to
Source, to Onenes and to peace.

9. Thank you God for everyone, for everything and for me. I am love, peace, joy
and gratitude. I am in service to the Light and I am fulfilled. (Expand on what
you are thankful for if you want!)

Favorite Quote

I am personally in the midst of the adventure and don't know what tomorrow looks like, but am open to the possibilities to be amazed!

Power of Nine

For those new to the newsletter (and welcome everyone!) I work with a group of guides who call themselves, “The Power of Nine.” They tell me that they work with me to teach “empowerment to those I love.” Hence, I call you all my Beloveds!

I have been asked by the Group to bring forth a message to you. Zenthea is stepping forth to bring this month’s message.


It is I Zenthea…Goddess of Oneness. For I teach and instruct this channel and through her, all of you how to leave your lower self and align and live from your Higher Self. It is in this energy that you recognize the interconnectedness of all of you, of all life.

Some who read this newsletter have not yet experienced the loving guidance of the Group of Nine…consciously or unconsciously. Some who read this newsletter are stuck in the old ways of shifting out of paradigms. You think you do this through talking and crying. You think you do this by using your mind to determine the steps, the “how,” like there is a magic formula that you can figure out!

I am here today to tell you that there is nothing to figure out! You make it so hard. You are love. You are Light. You are perfection already. All you must do is BE that perfection. Live that. Don’t forget that!

If you find you do, simply let that false belief go. There are new energies on the planet that help you do that in minutes. This is what we have taught this channel and made available to you---through her. You can learn to do this yourself. There is no need to live in pain, fear, sorrow, shame, guilt or blame. There is no room for that in within your perfection! For you already are that which you seek!

I say to you, “Stop seeking.” Release what keeps you from JOY! Truly, the time has come on your planet for those who call yourselves Lightworkers to live fully in JOY! Anything less is denying you, robbing you of all you came to experience. And the truth is no one is robbing you of this JOY, but you!

Oh, those minds are now churning…I can feel them and see them. They are trying to figure out how this can be so. How can I achieve this? They are trying to come up again with the magic formula. Some are now resisting such an idea. Some are trying to justify why this is impossibility in their own life at this time! I say part of your divine nature is JOY! Why do you choose not to express it in all that you do….for it is a choice!

Your very Beingness is JOY! It is one of the 3 highest vibratations on the planet: love, gratitude and JOY! Don’t these three words represent the fullness in life? Don’t you feel the wonder of life when you are in these energies? Can you not create masterpieces of friendships, of service, of celebration when you are in the energies of these vibrations?

Delight, Beloveds, in your life! Let go of those beliefs, patterns, fears, frustrations, and any lack that keeps you from your JOY! Celebrate your friends who are the forerunners and ahead of you on the path. Don’t think that I do not see some of you who envy your brothers and sisters single-mindedness in their quest for Oneness. I say this is the wrong way to look at why you have drawn these forerunners into your life. Their presence creates a tension in your life. This tension causes you to look at that which you would like to gloss over and to not go deeper within to see. But you call in this Beloved out of curiosity, out of reverence. This person is holding the vibration that you desire to move to…but often you can’t move, you won’t move.

This is resistance! Sometimes jealousy is in the way. Sometimes you block the path with excuses---time, money, or other priorities. Sometimes you can’t be humble and admit you have anything to gain from THAT person! Oh yes, I see the judgments. That is one of the biggest stumbling blocks you have in this journey! Oh how they keep you from your Light! Oh how they keep you separate.

You call to us---your guides---and cry that life is not working. You call asking for help and then resist the help that is brought to you. Why not reach out to those that have been sent? Humble yourselves. Ask for help. Trust that when you go to another with an open heart you will be received in love. What you need is available. You no longer have to suffer. Won’t you join the forerunners in healing? Won’t you accept their help?

So I leave you asking yourself, “What help is being sent my way that I am not seeing or receiving?”

In the name of Love and All That Is, I leave you in JOY and Peace.

Power of Nine

This is channeled information from the teachers I work with. This month Rauthma is stepping forward to bring a message to you. Feel free to submit questions to me for further insight from this beautiful team.


I have heard your questions and I am stepping forth in love to respond. My name is Rauthma. I teach empowerment through support for Oneness.

So you have asked, why do you call the group the Power of Nine? Beloveds, nine is the number of completion. If you are reading this newsletter you are one of the souls stepping forth on the planet to heal yourself so that you can feel at one with all of life. You are one that is here now to complete yourself….to journey back to Beingness, Oneness, Pure Consciousness….to live in walking meditation with the All That Is.

What does it mean to complete yourself? In truth, Beloved, you are already complete, whole, perfect. But in this realm of physicality, you have forgotten the truth of your being. You are asleep and now is the time you are being asked to wake-up. Some of you are too attached to your dream-state. Thinking the illusion of your life is too precious…you resist growth and change because you are too attached to that which you have created. Yes, on one level your life is working. Yet, you know you are not completely fulfilled. You bargain---“Promise me that I will not have to leave my job, my marriage, or that _______ (fill-in the blank) will not happen if I make the journey to Oneness.”

You ask us to help you be at peace, to be connected to Source, to feel love. Then when we bring these experiences to you…you refuse to change. Yet, the blueprint of your life’s plan has clearly delineanated that you will work towards fulfilling certain promises to God. When you get entrenched in resisting certain changes because you fear that you will have to make decisions that require more strength or courage than you think you have, you call in a “boulder” or “bolder” lesson. You call in an experience that feels like you are being hit on the head with a boulder. But the truth is that you are being called on to be “bolder” than you thought you could ever be! You are called to be a bolder expression of your truth, your beauty, your love, your strength and courage. You are being called to express yourself more boldly and in ways that you had been denying yourself.

Have you ever seen a child that is not living up to his/her brilliance? One who puts himself down or feels less than? Is your heart not draw to lovingly assist this Being to remember his/her truth? Wouldn’t you love to bring in life experiences that encourage the child’s natural gifts and talents? Wouldn’t you love to assist this child in seeing his or her goodness?

We, the spiritual hierarchy, operate in this same manner. Bringing forth opportunities for you to live your brilliance. You can chose it and pursue it; or because of the contracts you made prior to arriving in the earth-plane, you call forth experiences that assist your spiritual evolution.

Children are being born today with full remembrance of who they are. They are still children and need guidance and security, but you--their role models--are not waking up to guide them from a place of higher consciousness. The paradigm of parent-child needs to shift. You must develop a consciousness that you both play the role of teacher/student. For these children hold great wisdom. They hold truth.

Is there a child in your life that would benefit from your time and attention? Is there a way for you to share more of yourself with a child? If not, consider volunteering. The children of the planet need conscious adults; and moreover, the conscious adults of the planet need the children! They will awaken your courage, your bravery, your inner knowingness.

As you interact with the children observe yourself. See how you nurture and encourage them. See how you guide and direct them. Know that as you are in this space of loving assistance, this is how your team of angelic assistance works with you---encouraging you and guiding you.

We know, Beloved, that the circumstances you find yourself in are sometimes challenging, yet you kick and scream and fight what you should be learning and experiencing. Let go of the need to control. Relax. Let go of the resistance. Surrender to the River of Yes. As long as you are resisting you are prolonging the lesson. You cannot resist and glean all that the experience is that has been brought to you.

When you resist, you are playing the role of God. You are judging whether this experience is right for you! Instead ask, “Why have drawn this to me?” “What do I need to heal so that I can see it in another way?” Call forth your power. Call forth your courage. Do not play less than that you are! Remember, instead, to align your energy with Source. Plug into the Infinite and allow your beauty, your strength, and your courage to shine.

You are not alone. The spiritual realm is always with you, loving you. You should not be alone on the physical plane either. For a moment shut your eyes and allow yourself to be in your body in the space that you occupy. Then imagine energetic lines (like fishing wires) extending from your body. Send through these energetic lines, requests for support and companionship. Your request can be specific in your request or generic. Create a space within yourself for these requests to be granted. For where there is a void, something will come in to fill that space. Now feel in your body the feeling of being whole and complete as your request is now filled. Your order has been made and will be delivered momentarily. You can live in a space of excitement knowing that your request is going to be granted in unexpected ways!

Be peace dear one! Be peace! Know that you are loved and never alone. We wrap our arms of love around you. Feel the warmth of our presence as you journey forth. Blessings.

October Channeling

Power of Nine

This is channeled information from the teachers I work with. This month Rauthma is stepping forward to bring a message to you. Feel free to submit questions to me for further insight from this beautiful team.


My name is Rauthma. I teach empowerment through support for Oneness. Today I bring forth a message of hope, of joy, of beauty, of simplicity.

I want to speak to you about struggle and the energy of struggle. Dear one, this is of the old paradigm and no longer of value to you in the space you are living in today. No longer is there anything you have to be or become or make happen. There is no longer the need for “blood, sweat, and tears.” No, this is the old masculine energy.

For now the Divine Feminine energies are flooding your planet bringing to you new ways of creation. The idea that thoughts are things is no longer new to you. All you must do to create your reality is to see what it is you want and see yourself in joy. Then continue to hold the space for the creation of this concept in your reality. Say you are grateful for this unfolding in your life. Then this desire begins to make it’s way to you.

You are awakening to the fact that you are a conscious co-creator with the Universe. You are being asked to be conscious in each moment of your life. It is as simple as knowing at each given moment what you want to create, being aware of how you are feeling, releasing anything that does not resonate with the Divine, aligning yourself with Higher Consciousness and continuing to hold space for the All That Is to make manifest what you desire. For the resources of the Universe are at your disposal when you are living on purpose willing to fulfill your soul’s mission.

Decide now what you want. Think into the Mind of God. Command what you want. Feel how you feel that this is happening. With all the gratitude you have, say thank-you. Be infused with enthusiasm that this is so and continue to hold in your consciousness that this is a reality for you now. Because even as you are continuing to feel joy, the Universe is making arrangements for this to be made manifest in your reality.

As the channel is fond of saying, “The how it comes to you is none of your business.” This is the job of the Universe. Yours is to be conscious of the opportunities when they arrive and to enJOY what you have manifested. Things can flow effortless to you! It will take effort to use the resources that are coming to you. The Universe cannot do everything for you, but the unfolding is easy, not difficult. You therefore get to expend your energy in ways that you enJOY. Your work feels like PLAY and you delight in what is being made manifest, instead of spending your energy in struggle to “make” your desires come true. You get to live in expectancy. You get the thrill of seeing the amazing ways the Universe brings your DREAMS to YOU!

As your life unfolds this way, your faith, your trust, your security in the InfiniteUniverse expands. Your connection with Source is strengthened. So make your Dreams as Reality. Then open your arms to receive; open your eyes to the opportunities that are presenting themselves to you. Then act on these opportunities!

It is our honor to serve you.


November Channeling

Power of NIne

This is channeled information from the teachers I work with. This month Pleanees is stepping forward to bring a message to you. Feel free to submit questions to me for further insight from this beautiful team.


Joy to you!

Presently in many of your spaces you are in the process of transmuting ideas and behaviors that have limited your choices. From our perspective this looks like a tremendous time of growth! A time to release. This release is important for it is an opportunity for you to have a cosmic “do-over.” If you review yourself and do not like what you are seeing in the mirror, you now have the chance to rewrite those things and try again.

However, we see you experiencing the anger towards yourself for what you have the channel says, “Beating yourself up.” For some of you, you are angry at Source. How could this be your life?

Some of you find that people from your past are cropping up again to explore possibilities for partnership, exploring whether doors are open or closed...trying to find fulfillment in you to make up the lack within their lives and this is confusing.

Still others feel rendered helpless to right the perceived injustices in situations and are struggling with what to do with the pent-up emotions that this causes.

I am here to say that none of you are to be alone! None of you are meant to deal with these challenges by yourself. During the month of December, new energies will be flooding the planet that support communities of Lightworkers. It is a great time for the planet as you will be forming new groups to support your purposes and missions. Or groups you are now participating in will be infused with Light that will bring more cohesion and exponentially further your growth.

Please listen, Creator, will no longer support your feelings of being alone. For these energies are needing to leave the planet. For you must know that connection is the only truth that matters! You are now and have always been connected to Source. You must no longer feel disconnected with Source or each other.

Each time you disconnect with someone you are disallowing them to serve their purpose in your life. You are stagnating your growth and the growth of the planet. It is time for these bonds to deepen and grow.

Each of you reading this today are being given a special dispensation of energy...There is a pink ray infused with silver that is flooding into. This ray is designed to strength you bond to the All That Is and the All That Is within each one of you.

Know that you are presently finding your soul groups. You have been working apart, but now it is time to bond together to help. December awakens powerful changes for the world and many things will begin to shift in 2008 and 2009. It is now time for you to step forward assume the positions that you were called to do when you chose to reincarnate during this lifetime.

We are here to serve you! Surrender! Allow us to come in and support you....The joy is ours!

It is our honor to serve you.


December Channeling

Power of Nine

The Power of Nine

Channeled message by Lonna Bartley

Lonna channels her teachers and their message for you!


Imagine a rainfall that is pouring so hard that as you gaze at it, it appears to be coming down in sheets! This is what we are bestowing upon those who are reading this. We are offering you this rainfall, but it is made of pink love energy. Allow this rainfall to pour on you as a gift from the Creator. Feel the energy that is present here. Feel the love that raining down upon you from Source. The Creator loves each of you dearly. Sit in this energy and just allow.

We celebrate your desire to return to the richness and the fullness of the Love from which you have come. We celebrate each time a false belief falls away that has kept you from knowing and seeing and experiencing the beauty of you! Nothing else is true, but your completeness and wholeness.

Oh we can see those of you who can't seem to make peace with this concept. "What? Am I not a wretched sinner? Am I not void of goodness?" Beloveds, it is time to give up self-loathing! God made you! Like creates like. God cannot make anything that is contrary to God. Therefore you are made up of all the goodness that is God. Everything else that you think you are is a false perception and keeps you from the fully embracing the magnificent you that God created!

Feel free to let these thoughts, patterns, behaviors fall away!

It is time to step into your power! It is time to embrace the fullness of life and the joy of living. It is time to offer all the beauty that is you as a service to manikind. We are here to love and support you on your journey.

Ask---and you shall be given all you need!

Breathe in the pink light of love. Wrap it around you as a shawl! Wear God's love-stretch it out. Let God's love enfold those around youl Use this love when you reach out your arms to minister to those around you! Be full of love and give from this space of wholeness.

Blessings dear ones.

For a personalized message from the angels, you may contact Lonna at 972-998-8532.

January Channeling

February Power of Nine

The Power of Nine

Channeled message for you

by Lonna Bartley from her teachers


Joy to you all.

We see that many of you have been carrying heavy burdens lately. You have been feeling weighted down....concerned about matters that occur on your earthly plane. Concerned about things you cannot resolve. You have been receiving opportunities to look at the things you are attached to.

Are you attached to your physical vessel (your body)? Are you attached to another being who seems to be going through a crisis? Are you attached to your thoughts about a situation? Are you attached to the way things are, the way you think things should be? Are you attached to a certain outcome? Some of you mistakingly want to control another’s destiny.

In these states of control, you cannot accept the wonder of NOW! How can you fully express the joy of this present moment if you sit in judgment of it? Until you accept the “Is”ness of the present situation you cannot accept the wonder and gift of why it is in your life!

Take a moment and close your eyes....breathe. Allow yourself to just take a moment to be in the silence of you! Notice your breath....Is is shallow or deep? Can you begin to deepen your breath? Now, notice your body. Are you tense? Can you begin to release any of the tension you feel? Is your mind chattering? Can you put the chatter to sleep for a few minutes? Notice how you are feeling. Are you afraid, angry, sad? Just be with your feelings. Own them....and watch them dissolve---just like the tension in your body....Do not attach to the feeling...just allow!

In this place of centeredness, Truth resides....your truth, God’s truth...In this place is vulnerability and what is real. What did you receive? Why don’t you share it? Don’t judge how it will be received. Don’t judge whether it is worth sharing. This Truth was given to you and like all Truth---it does not belong to you. The truth belongs to all life.

How can you share the Truth that has been reveal to you? How can you reveal the Truth for others? How can you honor this sacred space with you? As you honor your truth you will find that joy is yours now matter what the circumstances of this moment are!

Blessings dear ones.

For a personalized message from the angels, you may contact Lonna at 972-998-8532.

February Channeling

March Power of Nine

The Power of Nine

Channeled message for you

by Lonna Bartley from her teachers



Be still be quiet.

Just be----

Oh we see some of you----your mind starts to can’t turn down the volume....Or as you do, it automatically turns up inside your head. You are still and you are quiet; yet your mind takes you to thoughts about your daily to-do list. Or your thoughts take you to the things you are trying to avoid. Pain, fear, desire to control. All are valuable and there to serve your Highest Good...Surrender to the feeling. Let go and feel.

Once you do, you will find it give way....release. Just breathe. Just BE!

Keep working with this process until there is nothing but space...nothing but the Beingness of Creator, Source energy!

As you are reading these words we are sending energy to you. Feel the energy surround you. Feel the warmth and the goodness. Let go of the struggle. Just be---

As the light cascades over you, you will experience waves of release. Waves of gentle energy soothing whatever burdens you are carrying. Just surrender them into the River of YES! As you become of aware your burden, say good-by and intend that the situation will be resolved in a way that nourishes and heals you.

Then just allow them to go...for we will carry them to resolve themselves in a way that is beneficial for you and all the others involved. This is the way of the Divine Feminine. Allow. Hold space for the highest good as you release.

Now the energies come in to help you realign with Divine Love. Knowing you are safe and protected and that ALL is in Divine Order. Bask in the truth of this for yourself. Bask in the radiance of the God/Goddess Energy that flows to and through you. Feel its radiance as you recognize this energy as your Divine Truth. Your Divine Heritage. Breathe it in. Love the energy. Love your Truth.

Just you are hurry...Imagine yourself moving forward to your next task, your next responsibility. See yourself moving with and as this Divine Energy. For this dispensation of energy can and will go with you. You can live as the expansiveness of your “I AM” presence. Intend that this be so and it is.

Blessings dear ones.

For a personalized message from the angels, you may contact Lonna at 972-998-8532.

March Channeling

Power, Control, Survival

Power, Control, Survival

Feel the energies of these words...

Underlying these words is often the feeling of desperation.

Power, unless it comes from the heart, can be used to dominate and control. Many of us like to have power over people, things. As a society, we tend to respect those in power...sometimes we blindly give respect and trust to those we revere who have power.

Control is a false sense of being in charge of life, destiny, people, and situations. Attempting to control and manipulate is to play God. We build a house of cards and find out that it can come tumbling down. With the destruction of that house of cards goes our illusion that we are in control. Illnesses, betrayal by a spouse, loss of a job or relationship can blind side us and leave us afraid and alone.

These life traumas can shake us to the core of who we are. We are afraid that we are unlovable, destined to be alone. We feel worthless. There are moments in our life when we come face-to-face with the consequences of our choices---At times, these consequences can devastate us and leave us feeling desperate. Wondering how we will survive? Wondering how we can go on? Feeling alone. Afraid there is no way-out. Afraid there is no one to turn to.

Underlying the need to be in power, or the need to be in control, or afraid we won't survive, is FEAR! I see all these issues as a spiritual crisis.

A few years ago, I really struggled over the concept of power! What is it? How is it misused? Why did it not feel good to have power OVER someone?

Through much communication with the spiritual hierarchy, I realized that true power only comes through the correct use of our heart-energy---love! I want to be powerful because of my love. Can the interactions that I have affirm those I come in contact with? Can I be present in each moment of my life and can I really see and connect through my heart with those around me? Can I make each moment in my life count? Am I powerful enough to heal all that keeps me from being in my heart? Am I powerful enough to stand in the fire with those I am journeying through life with? Am I powerful enough to put aside my false self and those selfish wants, in order to claim all that Source has for me? Am I powerful enough to admit that I am not perfect and have faults and vulnerabilities? Am I powerful enough to accept help and support?

Control is another illusion of our false selves. Truly, when we buy into this illusion we become imprisoned by our fear and desires. For true freedom comes when we let go of the need to have it all planned out and work to manipulate life into what we think it should be. Letting go means surrendering, but to whom or what are we surrendering? Is our life view one of a safe world or dangerous one? How is our relationship to the Divine? As I have surrendered to the flow of life and followed what brings me joy, I have found life to be a wondrous amazing adventure!

My level of surrender has varied from time to time! A friend of mine, Nikita Gearing, told me a few years ago about what she surrenders to...The River of Yes which for me is the Infinite Source of all. At times as I surrender, I can only put my toes into the River. Cautiously, wondering if I will be safe...At times I am not afraid to ride the rapids. My job is to always release my resistance so that I can surrender to the Divine Flow of the River. For the River has Infinite Intelligence which will support me and take me to the people, circumstance and events in life that will serve my Highest Purpose. And I must say, it is a tremendous relief to give up CONTROL!!! I don't have the burden any longer to MAKE my life work. I get to play in creation-mode and do what brings me joy! I get to create my life and what I want and Source creates the how it will occur!!!

I see the primary concern over survival as a spiritual crisis also. Once again, this requires that I have the life view that as I work and align my energies with the Light and desire to be of loving service to the Light, that the Source makes available all the resources of the Universe to help me fulfill my purpose.

This month as you examine your life, know that I send each of you love and light. If you desire a partner to assist you in opening to the power of your heart love, or to release the false illusion of control so you can surrender to the higher path that is available to you, or if I can assist you by providing information to increase your trust in Source, I am happy to serve you.

September blog

Let Your Inner Hippy Shine

“Groovy,” “Keep on Truckin!’” I was a pre/early teen during the Hippy days. Needless to say, I was impressionable. Being literal at that time, I truly believed that peace and love were the answers. I thought we were to encourage one another. I resonated with the songs, “He ain’t Heavy, He’s my Brother,” “What the World Needs Now,” “Bridge over Troubled Water.” I believed we were to love one another, to live in harmony, to support each other. I did not understand competition and mean-spiritedness.

Even though the resonance of the Peace Movement message resonated with me that message was not being taught or modeled by the adults in my life. So maybe my ideals were just that--idealistic. I was a literal thinker and imagined what life would be life like if we could achieve harmony, peace, love.

The message encoded itself on a deeply profound level. I would never be the same…but I grew-up not knowing how to live it. Over time, I buried my inner hippy.

I don’t know if other’s have this same experience as a parent, but as a mom, my daughter is constantly requiring me to change, to grow, to evolve, to be more than I am, to expand in ways that at times are uncomfortable!

As some of you know, Mandy, my 9 year-old, is an Indigo child. Like so many of these creative, psychic, joyful children, she has learning differences. She is dyslexic and brings a unique vision to this world because she is a whole brain, global thinker. She thinks outside of the box. She is ADHD and her body dislikes highly processed food. However, she has lived in a culture that has not valued purer living, nor have I.

Since she started school, I watched the brilliant light that shines within my daughter become covered with anxiety. She was riddled with thoughts that she was somehow lacking and feeling defeated on a daily basis. At school she was treated only like an intellect…At 9, the focus was her reading and math scores….passing state mandated tests…a performance-driven system was crushing the spirit if my child.

So Mandy’s soul has called forth a change for her! She deserved a place that nurtured her spirit. She deserved a school that allowed her to develop, intellectually, but emotionally, physically, and spiritually, as well….

Was there such a place on the planet?

We found it in Fairview, TX, The Robert Muller Center for Living Ethics. Dr. Robert Muller was Undersecretary to the UN and urged that humanity adopt a program of study that offers the world’s children a comprehensive curriculum stressing their relationship to the Earth and the Human Family. He outlined the World Core Curriculum, which approaches every subject as part of the “Four Harmonies.” The Four Harmonies include Our Planetary Home and Place in the Universe, Our Place in Time, The Family of Humanity, and The Miracle of Individual Life.

Our Planetary Home in the Universe is a study of all sciences, including biology, geology, geography, and astronomy as dynamic, interrelated aspects of one vast living system. Whether infinitely small or infinitely large, respect and reverence are keynotes.

The second harmony is Our Place in Time, which is a study of the cause and effect, the interrelated flow of events in the cosmos, the biospheres and humanity (nations, religions and world organizations.) The emphasis is on what people can learn from the past to apply in the present to create a harmonious future, informed and infused with creativity and innovation in all fields of human endeavor.

The third harmony is The Family of Humanity and is a study of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of humanity such as world population, culture, geography, standards of living and human groupings such as nations, corporations, and families. The inclusion of the heart brings in all humanity’s sorrows and joys, struggles and accomplishments within the radius of our own caring and sense of responsibility.

The fourth harmony is The Miracle of Individual Human Life and studies the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels of each human as aspects of a synergetic whole. Attention to the human need for optimal nutrition, loving relationship, mental brilliance and spiritual refreshment lends relevance to this holistic education.

Children have the opportunity to participate in the Global Elementary Model of the United Nation, Ecological Education, Sacred Geometry, Destination Imagination, music, art, mentoring, student teaching, language class, ecological education, sustainable living, Global Learning to Benefit the Environment.

The school, its founder, the staff and the parents are devoted to being the change they wish to see in the world.

In being in the community I see that I am giving my daughter what I wanted to receive when I was young and impressionable. I see that where I am still idyllic and where I have contributed to helping this world be a better place. I know that my role as a spiritual peacekeeper began as I hummed, “I would like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony!”

But her enrollment in this school has also provided a measuring stick for me to see opportunities to live more consciously as well.

We had a little girl from the school over to play and she had a handful of Fritos and she broke-out in a rash! The foods we eat are not pure. We use products that are not environmentally friendly. We are not conscious of the paper and plastics we are using. Plus, many other atrocities. Hopefully, I will not be kicked-out of this loving community and they will be patient as we work to transform ourselves!

Instead of chastising myself, I am going to allow my inner Hippy to come out … to dust herself off and to be proud of who she is…

I can still be idyllic and I can return to some of the basics in life. I can be more conscious and know that even one or two changes in the world can and will make a difference!

For my inner hippy, I want my body to be more pure. I want to eat foods that are closer to their natural state…whole grains, no sugar or white flour, most of the time. I think I can do that…Remember it is not about perfection. It is about being conscious. I will participate in the organic food coop that the parents organize at the school!

I will learn to make couscous and learn to use aguava nectar as a sweetener. I will buy organic milk, free from hormones. I will read more labels and seek products that don’t have a lot of ingredients that I can’t pronounce!

I can send real silverware to school instead of plastics. I can send a hand towel and cloth napkin so we can save the trees. I think I will start buying cleaning products that are not toxic. I will rest a little easier knowing I am consciously taking better care of Mandy and me!

Doesn’t it feel great to embrace being more pure? Doesn’t it make you feel more connected with the earth and more supportive of life and the planet? Doesn’t it help you feel real and have more self-love?

Won’t you join me in letting your inner Hippy come out? How can you feel more free? How can you embrace your ideals more fully? How can we ---together---help this world sing in perfect harmony? In the words of the Beatles, “All we are saying is, ‘Give peace a chance!”

October Blog