Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Power of Nine

This is channeled information from the teachers I work with. This month Rauthma is stepping forward to bring a message to you. Feel free to submit questions to me for further insight from this beautiful team.


My name is Rauthma. I teach empowerment through support for Oneness. Today I bring forth a message of hope, of joy, of beauty, of simplicity.

I want to speak to you about struggle and the energy of struggle. Dear one, this is of the old paradigm and no longer of value to you in the space you are living in today. No longer is there anything you have to be or become or make happen. There is no longer the need for “blood, sweat, and tears.” No, this is the old masculine energy.

For now the Divine Feminine energies are flooding your planet bringing to you new ways of creation. The idea that thoughts are things is no longer new to you. All you must do to create your reality is to see what it is you want and see yourself in joy. Then continue to hold the space for the creation of this concept in your reality. Say you are grateful for this unfolding in your life. Then this desire begins to make it’s way to you.

You are awakening to the fact that you are a conscious co-creator with the Universe. You are being asked to be conscious in each moment of your life. It is as simple as knowing at each given moment what you want to create, being aware of how you are feeling, releasing anything that does not resonate with the Divine, aligning yourself with Higher Consciousness and continuing to hold space for the All That Is to make manifest what you desire. For the resources of the Universe are at your disposal when you are living on purpose willing to fulfill your soul’s mission.

Decide now what you want. Think into the Mind of God. Command what you want. Feel how you feel that this is happening. With all the gratitude you have, say thank-you. Be infused with enthusiasm that this is so and continue to hold in your consciousness that this is a reality for you now. Because even as you are continuing to feel joy, the Universe is making arrangements for this to be made manifest in your reality.

As the channel is fond of saying, “The how it comes to you is none of your business.” This is the job of the Universe. Yours is to be conscious of the opportunities when they arrive and to enJOY what you have manifested. Things can flow effortless to you! It will take effort to use the resources that are coming to you. The Universe cannot do everything for you, but the unfolding is easy, not difficult. You therefore get to expend your energy in ways that you enJOY. Your work feels like PLAY and you delight in what is being made manifest, instead of spending your energy in struggle to “make” your desires come true. You get to live in expectancy. You get the thrill of seeing the amazing ways the Universe brings your DREAMS to YOU!

As your life unfolds this way, your faith, your trust, your security in the InfiniteUniverse expands. Your connection with Source is strengthened. So make your Dreams as Reality. Then open your arms to receive; open your eyes to the opportunities that are presenting themselves to you. Then act on these opportunities!

It is our honor to serve you.


November Channeling

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