Sunday, August 30, 2009

Message from the Angels

Blessings on this beautiful day. Today we are here with a message of hope. We see many of you swimming in the sea of life. Some of you are being swept out into the waves and enjoying the long as you continue to dance with the water and feel the flow you float on the sea being carried by the current. As you are moved you are swept to just the perfect place...You are amazed at the synchronicities. You are meeting amazing people, being given fabulous opportunities. You have learned to let go of the ego desires, beliefs, illusions. You have learned to surrender to the Divine Flow of the Universe. You have learned to stay present, living in the NOW.

Yet, some of you beautiful beings of Love and Light are not feeling in the flow. Fear has you flailing in the sea of life. Fear and illusion has you trapped in your desire to control the flow. But we ask you, "Can you really control the sea?" You are exhausting yourself with your efforts. We encourage you to let go! Let go of the need to control. Let go of the way things should be. Let go of the need for retribution. Let go of the manipulation and desire for your way.

We laugh on this side of the veil. We are striving so hard for your way thinking you know best. Trying to get your way. Not realizing that all this struggle is not the way the Divine Blueprint was to work. Struggle is not necessary with Flow. For those two things are contradictory. Struggle drains your energy and leaves you lifeless. Flow energizes you from the fullness of Life that is carrying you. So flow dear ones!

Let the Eternal carry you. Take action when the opportunities present themselves. You do not have to "make" opportunities happen. Follow the desires of your heart. They will carry you to places you cannot dream of. Give yourself daily to joy, to bliss.

In this way you love yourself. In this way you connect to universal love and feel supported by the Divine and the All That Is.

In love.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

August channeling

Many of us from the angelic realm look upon you and see wariness. We see the inner experience that you are experiencing--the experience of feeling exhausted--from the lessons that you have been walking through. Yet you are holding on to the LIGHT. You are feeling that changes are coming. You are dedicating yourself to the energies which are flowing rapidly to move you into new areas.

This is true. This is real. You are being given (rather giving yourselves) new possibilities, new opportunities.

Now more than ever you are being called into opportunities to create synergistic partnerships which will support you in creating new and/or larger platforms of people for you to serve! The openings you have desired are ready to meet your direction action! When this happens your energetic efforts will propel you further than ever a shorter amount of time.

Many of you are giving up old ways of making a living...finding new ways to pursue your passions. There is a massive shift that is occurring in the world. People are moving out of the old and into new places. These shifts are creating places for YOU! You are going into places where your vibration is necessary! Yet these places are also rewards for your willingness to be of service to the Light.

Your graciousness in receiving these gifts should be received with heartfelt gratitude. This space of gratitude is really an opening for the universe to bless you with even more! So feel the wonder of all you are receiving....

We love you....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Message from the Angels


The movement has begun. Many of you have been waiting for the energies to shift so that you could step into your own power and your place in the leadership as the new earth is being born. We are here to say to you that the time is now. There is no more waiting. It is time to wear your cloaks of power and confidence and step fully into the present. The gates are open and NOW is the time for you to play your part in the great shift that is occurring.

We see your hearts...we know your desires. There are those that are plugging into the law of attraction, others into soul aligned business, others into saving the earth, others into consciousness teachers. All of this advances the consciousness of the planet. All of this serves the soul and the souls on the planet. Yet, we want to remind you that NONE of it is more important than your own connection with Source.

As you are serving the planet, do not forget that your primary focus must not be on the doing, but rather on your relationship with the Divine. Your love affair with Source and ultimately yourself is the reason you are here. It is because of this great connection with the All That IS is the reason you have awakened into a greater sense of sharing/offering in the world. Yet, your mission will be empty if you do not set your relationship with Source as primary!

We love you,

Monday, June 1, 2009

Message from the Angels

There is much confusion in your world.  Companies are declaring bankruptcy and many of you are impacted by the economic conditions.  You are having the opportunity to examine how you have misplaced your values and your priorities.  How have you used your energy?

Have you used your energy to invest in things that are temporary or those that are lasting?  

We pass no judgment.  But we invite you to look at how you have invested your time and energy. Are you feeling a sense of fulfillment as all falls away?  For a sense of peace within your being as you go through shifts is a sign that you have invested in the soul, not the world. 

We are not suggesting that you cannot be prosperous and abundant and enjoy the riches of this world...What we are suggesting is that you cause yourself pain when you are attached to these things and if they fall away, you move into a space of fear.  This is an indication of your values, your priorities.  

We encourage you to focus on the breathe, to allow, to become the observer of yourself.  Allow yourself to be where you are!  Feel into that feeling and surrender to it!  

If you are feeling fear, let it come up so that you can take a long hard look at it!  In this way you give your soul a chance to respond and correct this fear which will align it back into Light. 

We love you!
The Angelic Realm

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Message from the Angels

Beauty is what we see within you.  Beauty of the Light you carry.  Beauty is in your heart. Beauty is what you create.  

When you close yourself off to the Light, you cut off the ability to create Beauty and instead you receive chaos.  In the reality you call life, many of you grew up in families in which chaos was considered normal.  Now as you have grown up you continue to create lives of chaos!  

When life seems boring you look for ways to excite your life.  You seem to be fed by stirring up situations that bring out the stimulation you crave.  You lack the ability to be grateful for the peace within.  Your addiction to the chaos drowns out the Beauty you could create.

We ask you today to examine how you might bring more Peace, more Beauty in your life.  

Beauty is a by-product of the Light.  Yet, you withhold it from yourself.  We invite you to welcome beauty into your life.  Welcome the opportunity to see life from a set of eyes that see only love.  As you read this we are offering you the opportunity to be downloaded with an energy that will assist you in aligning with Beauty.  First you must recognize what Beauty is! This is the gift we offer today.

Say "Yes!"  Open and receive.  Feel the energies that are available to you now!  

We love you,
The Angelic Realm

Friday, May 29, 2009

Message from the Angels

Breathe and feel yourself connect fully to this moment.  Notice how you become present with yourself.  As you become present you notice that you can bring your energy back to you.  You may have been concerned about a broken toilet, a child's activities, communication with a partner or boss, financial challenges.  None of those things are to be resolved NOW! 

When you are fully present you let go of all those ideas and instead come into the fullness of NOW!  When you are fully present you are fully connected to the Source that is within you.

So Breate.  Connect with Source.  Connect with Life.  

From this place of Centeredness, move forward...flow with Life.  

We love you,
The angelic realm

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Message from the Angelic Realm



It is simple isn't it? This one ability keeps you attached to the physical. Breath connects you to the body and when it ceases you join us!

Honor your breath. Honor that this connection allows you to be a spiritual being with a body.

As you breath and breath deeply and slowly, connect to your body and ground yourself in the physical plane. It is through the breath you are quickly able to connect with your Divinity and be fully present in the totality of your I AM presence.

You can then take this feeling of joy, of love, of completeness, of peace, of wholeness, of abundance into next moments of your life.

If you find yourself disconnected....remember BREATHE.

It really is that easy! Breath!

We love you~

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Message from the Angelic Realm


Good morning beautiful beings of Light. This day has been created for the full of expression of your Beingness. With each breath you take, you have the ability to make manifest the Glory of God. There is nothing you "need" to do in order to do this. The only think that you must do is feel that you are the manifestation of the Glory of the God and live from this center. This requires that you know this about yourself.

We delight in you! We love you!

Today you are asked~how would you like to manifest your Glory? Contemplate. Sit with it. Inhale it. Release any doubt about your Glory and bring into your being the joy of whatever you would like to express in your Glory....

This is what we call living.

The Beings of Love and Light

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I am back

Hello Beloveds,
I have been having an internally experience the last few months.  I have just been going into my ownself and recalling my energy to me and learning to breathe!

Have you taken breath journeys and learned to connect with the fullness of your soul?  Allowing yourself to be present with your breath is a blessing and joy.  It provides an easy way to calm the mind and brings clarity!

Now I am clearer about my personal offerings in the world....what brings me joy.  I am planning to begin to start posting more regularly and twittering too!  You can follow me at lonnabartley on twitter!

I am going to start posting channeled messages here! So stay tuned!

I love you all,

Friday, January 9, 2009

New Year's Resolutions: The Two Lists

by Scott Blum

I was fortunate to spend time with an enigmatic man named Robert during a very special period of my life. Robert taught me many things during our days together, and this time of year reminds me of one particular interaction we had.

"Now that you are becoming more aware," Robert said, "you need to begin to set goals for yourself so you don't lose the momentum you have built."

"Like New Year's resolutions?" I asked.

"That's an interesting idea," he smirked. "Let's do that."

By then I was used to his cryptic responses, so I knew something was up because of the way his eyes sparkled as he let out an impish laugh.

"Tonight's assignment is to make two lists," Robert continued. "The first is a list of all the New Year's resolutions you WANT to keep, and the second is a list of all the New Year's resolutions you WILL keep. Write the WANT List first, and when you have exhausted all of your ideas, then write the second list on another sheet of paper."

That night I went home and spent several hours working on the two lists. The WANT List felt overwhelming at first, but after a while I got into writing all the things I had always wanted to do if the burdens of life hadn't gotten in the way. After nearly an hour, the list swelled to fill the entire page and contained nearly all of my ideas of an ideal life. The second list was much easier, and I was able to quickly commit ten practical resolutions that I felt would be both realistic and helpful.

The next day, I met Robert in front of the local food Co-op, where we seemed to have most of our enlightening conversations. "Tell me about your two lists," Robert said as the familiar smirk crept onto his face.

"The first list contains all the things I SHOULD do if I completely changed my life to be the person I always wanted to be. And the second list contains all the things I COULD do by accepting my current life, and taking realistic steps towards the life I want to lead."

"Let me see the second list," he said.

I handed him the second list, and without even looking at it, he ripped the paper into tiny pieces and threw it in the nearby garbage can. His disregard for the effort I had put into the list annoyed me at first, but after I calmed down I began to think about the first list in a different light. In my heart, I knew the second list was a cop out, and the first list was the only one that really mattered.

"And now, the first list." Robert bowed his head and held out both of his hands.

I purposefully handed him the first list and held his gaze for several seconds, waiting for him to begin reading the page. After an unusually long silence, he began to crumple the paper into a ball and once again tossed it into the can without looking at it.

"What did you do that for?!" I couldn't hide my anger any longer.

Robert began to speak in a quiet and assured voice. "What you SHOULD or COULD do with your life no longer matters. The only thing that matters, from this day forward, is what you MUST do."

He then drew a folded piece of paper from his back pocket and handed it to me.

I opened it carefully, and found a single word floating in the middle of the white page:


Create the New Year ----intentionally!

You may not know this, but New Year's is my FAVORITE holiday. I know it is crazy, but I love it! The new energy that pours forth is like a blanket of fresh fallen snow...It is a fresh beginning.

I like endings and new beginnings. When I was a teacher I often thought how blessed I was to get so many fresh starts each year. I saw the dynamics of how we often rest on our laurels when beginning something new and then dig holes for ourselves to get out of! I saw rescuers jumping into save those drowning in their poor choices. I saw the self-righteous who refused to bend and meet someone half-way. I watched those feeling overwhelmed by the circumstances they had created one to many times.

I saw the way people compensate for their short-coming. I saw the poor coping strategies many of us had developed. I watched how we are all capable of developing better strategies to deal w/ the situations that we create!

I saw how friends can turn-on one another...I saw the dedication of truly committed friends/family to one another. I saw support in motion....

I saw those that made each moment counted and followed through consistently on commitments. I saw the stress of those choices and the rewards.

I saw myself in each person, in each scenario, in each choice.

All I know for myself....the energy is like a fresh snow----the question is, "What will you do with it?" It is your choice!

I say---Don't walk---RUN! PLAY! Do what you love! We only have one chance! Take yours this new year!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

You, the Psychic Connection

You, The Psychic Connection

Do you want a program to help you expand your awareness of the angelic realm and connect with your intuition and imagination? Would you love to discover your own connection with your soul?

During this 13-week teleconference course you will learn to open up your own 6th sense and live in the world differently! We are at a time in our own unfolding in humanity...Being able to rely more fully on your on guidance is imperative to charting your way through the coming earth changes. When you trust your own intuition you live in the world differently. There is less fear and more trust!

I have been guided to offer this course to support you in opening up your own psychic channels which may include: clairaudience, clairvoyance, telepathy and precognition.

Your psychic gifts are gifts of your soul! We all have them! These beautiful gifts allow you to connect with the divine! As you connect to your gifts you will experience more light, more peace, more love. As you begin to experience life differently you will have a greater understand about life.

Together we will play with a variety of tools that will allow you to open up your gifts! This is NOT serious work, but a fun exploration of your gifts. You will need to commit about 30 minutes a day to this class during the 13-weeks! I encourage you to encourage a friend to join you as a support buddy during this class! (This is not a requirement and should not deter you! But learning with a friend enhances the process! Of course we will ALL be friends in the class!)

Here is what some previous clients have said:

Thank you for the Intuition Workshop that you offered in November. The benefits to me have been immense. I have an understanding of reaching higher states of consciousness in learning about how the brain works. I really enjoyed using different Tarot decks to access higher knowledge about myself. I loved the Soul Cards and assuming the physical position in the card for greater insights about myself. I always feel that you teach how to live in the present moment; in finding the Sacredness and Beauty in each moment in our daily lives. After learning how to access my guides and Higher Self, I feel like I had been living in darkness up to that point and suddenly, I could see clearly! It has been a deeply Sacred Gift in my life to access, communicate with, and trust my intuition. I thank you so much!
Julie Markle - Keller, TX

Growing and changing and BECOMING more I AM....thoughts, patterns, emotions are all falling away....FOR THE GREATEST GOOD OF ALL, FOR THE GREATEST GOOD OF MANKIND, AND SO IT IS...AMEN.
-A Client

I am leaving behind my mind and learning to be in the here and now with more access to my soul and my heart.
-A Client

My false self is falling away, leaving me with my I AM presence. Why would it not feel more like Home, like peace and so familiar? Instead of , I think I am losing my ego. I freely release it and welcome that peace that surpasses all understanding.
-A Client

If you want to be a part of spiritual awakening of THE PSYCHIC CONNECTION please read below is the outline of the class:

Week One The Adventure Within
Week Two Preparing for the Connection
Week Three Clearing for the Connection
Week Four Grounding for the Connection
Week Five Handling the Past and Present Before Making the Connection
Week Six Exploring the Connection with Others
Week Seven Exploring the Auric Field
Week Eight Exploring the Chakras
Week Nine Expanding Your Connections
Week Ten Meeting the Angelic Realm
Week Eleven Using the Connection for Your Own Guidance
Week Twelve Tools for Divination
Week Thirteen You and the Divine Connection!

Class will be held weekly on Sunday mornings at 10 am Central. The class will be approximately an hour in length and start January 18th, 2009. The cost is $195.

Email Lonna today for registration information at

Won't you make it a fabulous year by developing your own Psychic Connection?

Of course, if you desire more in-depth work individually with Lonna, private sessions are available.
2009 New Year READINGS

I am offering several levels of readings to assist you all in achieving all you desire this year!!! Love you all and want the best for you all!

Personal Written Numerology Chart for 2009 $50 (add to any session!)
30-Minute Astrological Overview of 2009 $65
60- Minute Astrological Overview of 2009 $100
60-Minute Astrology and Clairvoyant Session $150
90-Minute Astrology Session with Healing and Manifestation Process $200 (includes FREE Numerology Chart!)
Email Lonna today for a session at
About Humanity101
A place to consciously evolve!

Lonna Bartley

Update for 2009
Wow! 2009 is quickly approaching. If you would like an intuitive reading and personalized insight into 2009 for yourself. Those who book their reading before January 9th will receive a special channeled session during their reading as well! SO BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY!
Offer Expires: 1-9-2009; No gift certificates may be used on this special