Spirit once told me that the things that keep us reincarnating here are our resentments, for our resentments have the strongest emotional charge. The masters say it is our desires that keep us incarnating here. I believed it was our desires for wealth and money or the perfect love. But actually our most intense desires are what charge us the most which is our resentments, the feelings of righteousness, that justice and punishment on all levels must be served. We don’t have to worry about justice being served, karma does that. Remember the laws of attraction work on the most powerful emotions and most of our most powerful emotions are based on fear and anger. This is what we are attracting. We must all work on our feelings of fear and what we are most resentful about, for it will all be reflected in our own lives and the mass consciousness that is mounting to the mass destruction of our planet. Resentments are based on feelings of the victim. This will not serve you to have a life of joy and happiness. It is your choice to choose a life of unhappiness and lack, or a life of abundance and love. I am taking lessons from those for whom the results speak for themselves. I want to see all the beauty in this world that my fried sees. And as I do so, I won’t need to come back to planet earth not unless I choose to help others learn to see all the beauty this magnificent planet has to offer. What you give you receive. As you put out love and appreciation you will receive the same in return. This is the best and easiest thing we can do to help world consciousness.
Turbulence and danger are a real threat to our country during this time. Remember the only way to heal is with love and gratitude. We are in this together, one humanity. It is important to understand this is why we came to this planet at this time and age. This is a turning point in humanity and it is imperative that we understand our part in these changing times. We have the opportunity to change the planet and our own spiritual karma. The great master, Paramahansa Yogananda, said planet earth is the greatest place to grow spiritually because it is such a difficult place to be, but absolutely the most spiritual growth can be achieved here. This is why spirits are all fighting to get here. Imagine that, it is a privilege to be here! Take advantage of it. We must remember the only real reason why we are here is to grow on a spiritual level. Attitudes of hate and anger are tearing our world apart. It is time to find compassion and understanding, and this comes through love. Let go of resentments and you will grow on a spiritual level by leaps and bounds. Remember appreciation and gratitude creates the world of prosperity in which we all want to live.
Beautiful are the Blessings
11 months ago
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