Other bits of insight...not from me---but someone wise!
One intuitive exercise was to ask a question of one’s higher self and then spend 10 minutes, alone, writing "whatever comes up." Such a method will draw an answer from one’s inner self.
*Callings: Finding and Following an Authentic Life
What are the questions?
What is the voice of "no?"
What is the voice of "yes?"
An action plan.
Questioning "draws knowledge to me -- and from me," Levoy said. "To the degree that knowledge is power, and we’re after power, the way to do it is thru questions."
He said he would ask the workshop participants many questions and, "the thing to do is to shoot from the hip – first expediency, and then second, do an ‘end-run’ around the left-brain." "Try to be as specific and complete as possible with responses." The point is to find out "what’s calling to you in your own life."
Definition of prosperity is "full health, perfect relationships, satfisfying work, and all the cash you can spend!"
In her opinion, Jesus Christ "was talking about THIS as the kingdom of heaven." Gaines asked us to make a commitment. "Your divine assignment for the next 21 days is no complaining about anything that happens. You’re only response is: ‘God, that’s great!’ If you can go 21 days, you’ll have it." If you forget, forgive yourself and start over! The mystics called such a commitment "the secret of transcendence."
"My experience is, we live in a universe governed by spiritual law. There are four spiritual laws we must live by. They are not optional and we don’t get to vote on them," she said. "They work whether you believe in them or not." They are:
Tithe, which requires returning 10 percent "off the top, [to] where you’ve received your spiritual food."
Forgive everyone, all of the time, especially ourselves.
Set clear-cut, tangible goals. "Jesus Christ said, ‘Ask and ye shall receive.’ He didn’t say, ‘Make me guess.’"
Seek and define and get on with your divine purpose. "It’s good to be a seeker," Gaines said. "Eventually, you need to be a finder. In my opinion, we have too many professional seekers in this world."
Regarding one’s divine purpose, she said, "Ask yourself the question: ‘What’s the most fun thing I could do with my life?’ Earth is the party planet… The age of the Christian martyrs is over."
Her voice crackling with enthusiasm, Gaines said, "You’re on a mission! Every one of us here is on a mission! You’re making up your divine purpose daily and my only question is: ‘How big do you want your divine purpose to be?’" Quoting Jesus in the Bible, she said, "’Ask and you shall receive.’"
Beautiful are the Blessings
11 months ago
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