Power, Control, Survival
Feel the energies of these words...
Underlying these words is often the feeling of desperation.
Power, unless it comes from the heart, can be used to dominate and control. Many of us like to have power over people, things. As a society, we tend to respect those in power...sometimes we blindly give respect and trust to those we revere who have power.
Control is a false sense of being in charge of life, destiny, people, and situations. Attempting to control and manipulate is to play God. We build a house of cards and find out that it can come tumbling down. With the destruction of that house of cards goes our illusion that we are in control. Illnesses, betrayal by a spouse, loss of a job or relationship can blind side us and leave us afraid and alone.
These life traumas can shake us to the core of who we are. We are afraid that we are unlovable, destined to be alone. We feel worthless. There are moments in our life when we come face-to-face with the consequences of our choices---At times, these consequences can devastate us and leave us feeling desperate. Wondering how we will survive? Wondering how we can go on? Feeling alone. Afraid there is no way-out. Afraid there is no one to turn to.
Underlying the need to be in power, or the need to be in control, or afraid we won't survive, is FEAR! I see all these issues as a spiritual crisis.
A few years ago, I really struggled over the concept of power! What is it? How is it misused? Why did it not feel good to have power OVER someone?
Through much communication with the spiritual hierarchy, I realized that true power only comes through the correct use of our heart- energy---love! I want to be powerful because of my love. Can the interactions that I have
affirm those I come in contact with? Can I be present in each moment of my life and can I really see and connect through my heart with those around me? Can I make each moment in my life count? Am I powerful
enough to heal all that keeps me from being in my heart? Am I powerful enough to stand in the fire with those I am journeying through life with? Am I powerful enough to put aside my false self and those selfish wants, in order to claim all that Source has for me? Am I powerful enough to admit that I am not perfect and have faults and vulnerabilities? Am I
powerful enough to accept help and support?
Control is another illusion of our false selves. Truly, when we buy into this illusion we become imprisoned by our fear and desires. For true freedom comes when we let go of the need to have it all planned out and
work to manipulate life into what we think it should be. Letting go means surrendering, but to whom or what are we surrendering? Is our life view one of a safe world or dangerous one? How is our relationship to the
Divine? As I have surrendered to the flow of life and followed what brings me joy, I have found life to be a wondrous amazing adventure!
My level of surrender has varied from time to time! A friend of mine, Nikita Gearing, told me a few years ago about what she surrenders to...The River of Yes which for me is the Infinite Source of all. At times as I surrender, I can only put my toes into the River. Cautiously, wondering if I will be safe...At times I am not afraid to ride the rapids. My job is to always
release my resistance so that I can surrender to the Divine Flow of the River. For the River has Infinite Intelligence which will support me and take me to the people, circumstance and events in life that will serve my
Highest Purpose. And I must say, it is a tremendous relief to give up CONTROL!!! I don't have the burden any longer to MAKE my life work. I get to play in creation-mode and do what brings me joy! I get to create my
life and what I want and Source creates the how it will occur!!!
I see the primary concern over survival as a spiritual crisis also. Once again, this requires that I have the life view that as I work and align my energies with the Light and desire to be of loving service to the Light, that
the Source makes available all the resources of the Universe to help me fulfill my purpose.
This month as you examine your life, know that I send each of you love and light. If you desire a partner to assist you in opening to the power of your heart love, or to release the false illusion of control so you can surrender to the higher path that is available to you, or if I can assist you by providing information to increase your trust in Source, I am happy to serve you.
For more information about Lonna, click here.
Lonna's website: web.mac.com/lonnabartley
Beautiful are the Blessings
11 months ago
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