Then what is the answer? The key ingredient is mindset, the combination of conscious and unconscious beliefs, your values, expectations, and experiences. I also call this the "Total Belief System," or TBS for short.
In the last e-mail lesson you received, you learned to recognize a "good story" as just that: a reasonable sounding excuse for lack of success, but an excuse nonetheless. This is a crucial first step to uncovering any limiting beliefs that are hobbling your TBS and, therefore, your success and wealth in life.
If you don't like the program, change the channel.
You see, if the unconscious mind is calling all the shots, then we are left to our old "programming," the conditioning of our childhood. We are at the whim of our child's mind, which contains antiquated and often detrimental ideas about our abilities and possibilities in life.
What did your environment hand you?
I believe we are born into greatness and conditioned into mediocrity. That conditioning comes from good people who just don't know any better and who do the best they can. Still, they're bound to tell us we're limited, and in so many ways they tell us what we can't do.
We're conditioned with that from the time we are born. And then we show up as adults, with those things out of our conscious awareness, and that conditioning still drives who we are and what we do and do not.
To change results you must deal with the cause...
Go straight to the source. Most people want to throw solutions at the effect (the lack of results), rather than at the cause (the mindset). In other words, they look at their lack of wealth in any area and ask: How can I get more skills? How can I learn more? How can I work harder? But by definition, the result is the effect, the manifestation of a greater cause. The cause is at the level of consciousness
Imagine the unconscious mind is the soil, and the results we experience in the physical world are the plant. If we have a weak plant (or weak results) the real solution is usually to amend the soil. That doesn't mean that conditions like the amount of sunshine and attacks from bugs are not factors, but they're not really the determining factor. Similarly, mindset or TBS is the determining factor in your Harmonic Wealth™, not the circumstances of your life.
Another analogy I use frequently is that of the movie theater. Most of us will sit through almost any film, good or bad. Instead of getting up and leaving the ones we think are horrible, we stay riveted to our seats and continue to view. How like life!
Those who are dissatisfied with their lives simply continue to sit there and watch the results they don't like. Why? Because they've paid for the ticket; they're invested in seeing how it all plays out. Some people will complain about the movie, or throw cans and bottles, but that doesn't get them anywhere; it doesn't change the film. Yet there are those unique few who go back to the ticket counter, ask for their money back and see a different movie. They realize that:
The results on the screen don't change until they change the film.
Beautiful are the Blessings
11 months ago
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