Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Power of Nine

This is channeled information from the teachers I work with. This month Rauthma is stepping forward to bring a message to you. Feel free to submit questions to me for further insight from this beautiful team.


I have heard your questions and I am stepping forth in love to respond. My name is Rauthma. I teach empowerment through support for Oneness.

So you have asked, why do you call the group the Power of Nine? Beloveds, nine is the number of completion. If you are reading this newsletter you are one of the souls stepping forth on the planet to heal yourself so that you can feel at one with all of life. You are one that is here now to complete yourself….to journey back to Beingness, Oneness, Pure Consciousness….to live in walking meditation with the All That Is.

What does it mean to complete yourself? In truth, Beloved, you are already complete, whole, perfect. But in this realm of physicality, you have forgotten the truth of your being. You are asleep and now is the time you are being asked to wake-up. Some of you are too attached to your dream-state. Thinking the illusion of your life is too precious…you resist growth and change because you are too attached to that which you have created. Yes, on one level your life is working. Yet, you know you are not completely fulfilled. You bargain---“Promise me that I will not have to leave my job, my marriage, or that _______ (fill-in the blank) will not happen if I make the journey to Oneness.”

You ask us to help you be at peace, to be connected to Source, to feel love. Then when we bring these experiences to you…you refuse to change. Yet, the blueprint of your life’s plan has clearly delineanated that you will work towards fulfilling certain promises to God. When you get entrenched in resisting certain changes because you fear that you will have to make decisions that require more strength or courage than you think you have, you call in a “boulder” or “bolder” lesson. You call in an experience that feels like you are being hit on the head with a boulder. But the truth is that you are being called on to be “bolder” than you thought you could ever be! You are called to be a bolder expression of your truth, your beauty, your love, your strength and courage. You are being called to express yourself more boldly and in ways that you had been denying yourself.

Have you ever seen a child that is not living up to his/her brilliance? One who puts himself down or feels less than? Is your heart not draw to lovingly assist this Being to remember his/her truth? Wouldn’t you love to bring in life experiences that encourage the child’s natural gifts and talents? Wouldn’t you love to assist this child in seeing his or her goodness?

We, the spiritual hierarchy, operate in this same manner. Bringing forth opportunities for you to live your brilliance. You can chose it and pursue it; or because of the contracts you made prior to arriving in the earth-plane, you call forth experiences that assist your spiritual evolution.

Children are being born today with full remembrance of who they are. They are still children and need guidance and security, but you--their role models--are not waking up to guide them from a place of higher consciousness. The paradigm of parent-child needs to shift. You must develop a consciousness that you both play the role of teacher/student. For these children hold great wisdom. They hold truth.

Is there a child in your life that would benefit from your time and attention? Is there a way for you to share more of yourself with a child? If not, consider volunteering. The children of the planet need conscious adults; and moreover, the conscious adults of the planet need the children! They will awaken your courage, your bravery, your inner knowingness.

As you interact with the children observe yourself. See how you nurture and encourage them. See how you guide and direct them. Know that as you are in this space of loving assistance, this is how your team of angelic assistance works with you---encouraging you and guiding you.

We know, Beloved, that the circumstances you find yourself in are sometimes challenging, yet you kick and scream and fight what you should be learning and experiencing. Let go of the need to control. Relax. Let go of the resistance. Surrender to the River of Yes. As long as you are resisting you are prolonging the lesson. You cannot resist and glean all that the experience is that has been brought to you.

When you resist, you are playing the role of God. You are judging whether this experience is right for you! Instead ask, “Why have drawn this to me?” “What do I need to heal so that I can see it in another way?” Call forth your power. Call forth your courage. Do not play less than that you are! Remember, instead, to align your energy with Source. Plug into the Infinite and allow your beauty, your strength, and your courage to shine.

You are not alone. The spiritual realm is always with you, loving you. You should not be alone on the physical plane either. For a moment shut your eyes and allow yourself to be in your body in the space that you occupy. Then imagine energetic lines (like fishing wires) extending from your body. Send through these energetic lines, requests for support and companionship. Your request can be specific in your request or generic. Create a space within yourself for these requests to be granted. For where there is a void, something will come in to fill that space. Now feel in your body the feeling of being whole and complete as your request is now filled. Your order has been made and will be delivered momentarily. You can live in a space of excitement knowing that your request is going to be granted in unexpected ways!

Be peace dear one! Be peace! Know that you are loved and never alone. We wrap our arms of love around you. Feel the warmth of our presence as you journey forth. Blessings.

October Channeling

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