Again---something that moved me....not my own!
Can we talk a little about the spirals of consciousness. The Arcturian "Infinity" hologram is clearly a series of spirals. Why are spirals so important?
Michael: Well, what we would like to call the "natural" movement of consciousness in the Cosmos is a spiral. Think of the spiraling arms of the great galaxies, all the way down to the spirals of the DNA within your cells. Everything is constructed on geometric grids or fields based on circles and spirals.
And that is the natural rhythm or flow of consciousness. Now, each being has its own personal rhythm or flow. Part of the deep physiological and biochemical changes in the human body at this time are aimed at disconnecting your physical reality from a controlled linear perception to a more natural cycle that is "tuned" to the Cosmic pulse, and spirals in harmony with the Cosmic pulse, that which we call the "breath of God". All living intelligences pulse, and when one is aligned with the pulsations of Divine Creative Intelligence through the pulsations of the Galactic "heart" or the great central sun, your own natural rhythm or spirals synchronize with these larger spirals. This involves a shift in the "time clock" in your cells and in your brain, that has been "wired" to linear time and a progression of consciousness which is short and entirely out of synch with the Cosmic pulse.
Now, you are being "re-wired" to live in harmony with the Cosmic pulse and to live longer lives that spiral naturally and gracefully with the flows of Divine Creative Intelligence. So, your ascension symptoms are evidence of your body feeling the physical effects of being "re-wired" to a different rhythm of life, that is attuned to the Cosmic pulse but also very individual to you.
The Crystal children, and now the Blue Star children, are attuned to this pulse already. That is why so many of them are diagnosed as ADD. They move to their own rhythms and cannot be "controlled" into the rigid frame of school programs. Many adults are also releasing the rigid structures of "work" for more flexible ways of supporting themselves. For each person has an individual rhythm that may not lend itself to the 9 to 5 life. Finding your own rhythm is as important as finding your passion and creativity. These things all work together to ensure that you function at your optimum soul potential as a creator.
We will say too, that it is the presence of the Blue Star children who have entered the planet in the last 18 months that is accelerating this process. We have called it "activating your Galactic lightbody", as you reconnect with the Galactic pulse or heartbeat. As you make this connection, you naturally move into Unconditional Love, Compassion and Gratitude, for these are the energies of the Cosmic pulse and the "signature" of the Christed or Crystal energy.
Beautiful are the Blessings
11 months ago
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