The Power of Nine
Channeled message by Lonna Bartley
Lonna channels her teachers and their message for you!
Imagine a rainfall that is pouring so hard that as you gaze at it, it appears to be coming down in sheets! This is what we are bestowing upon those who are reading this. We are offering you this rainfall, but it is made of pink love energy. Allow this rainfall to pour on you as a gift from the Creator. Feel the energy that is present here. Feel the love that raining down upon you from Source. The Creator loves each of you dearly. Sit in this energy and just allow.
We celebrate your desire to return to the richness and the fullness of the Love from which you have come. We celebrate each time a false belief falls away that has kept you from knowing and seeing and experiencing the beauty of you! Nothing else is true, but your completeness and wholeness.
Oh we can see those of you who can't seem to make peace with this concept. "What? Am I not a wretched sinner? Am I not void of goodness?" Beloveds, it is time to give up self-loathing! God made you! Like creates like. God cannot make anything that is contrary to God. Therefore you are made up of all the goodness that is God. Everything else that you think you are is a false perception and keeps you from the fully embracing the magnificent you that God created!
Feel free to let these thoughts, patterns, behaviors fall away!
It is time to step into your power! It is time to embrace the fullness of life and the joy of living. It is time to offer all the beauty that is you as a service to manikind. We are here to love and support you on your journey.
Ask---and you shall be given all you need!
Breathe in the pink light of love. Wrap it around you as a shawl! Wear God's love-stretch it out. Let God's love enfold those around youl Use this love when you reach out your arms to minister to those around you! Be full of love and give from this space of wholeness.
Blessings dear ones.
For a personalized message from the angels, you may contact Lonna at 972-998-8532.
January Channeling
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