Steps of Effective Prayer
From Lonna Bartley for appts or to add yourself to the mailing list
Adapted from The Seven Steps of Effective Prayer
United Research Light Center
PO Box 1146
Black Mountain, NC 28711
This prayer helps release our lower minds, our egos and feelings of injury or injustice. It then affirms your
Truth and aligns you with Source. The prayer is for healing for yourself, others and the Earth. The pray
helps open you to your own awakening and protects you. As you are learning it, you are suggested to do it
in the morning and evening for 40 days. You are welcome to change the prayer to adapt it. Gratitude #9
claims that it is SO---add health, abundance.
1. I release all of my past to the Light.
Repeat and replace the phrase “my past” with each of the following:
(my negative thoughts, my fears, my blocks, all human relationships, my self-
image, inner critic, my image of others, my future, my communication, my will,
my mind, all resistance, my human wants and desires, my addictions, my
distractions, my resistance, any right to retribution, my beliefs about love,
money, sex and religion.) I forgive _______. (God, self, others, etc.)
2. I am a Being of Light. (Feel the connection through the top of your head)
3. I align my will with Divine Light. (Or insert your word for Creator, Source, God,
Oneness, Highest Good.)
4. I radiate Light through-out my whole being. Each cell and molecule of my body
resonates health, wholeness, love, peace, and joy. (Imagine the Light radiating
through your body.)
5. I radiate Light to my loved ones, to my neighborhood, to my co-workers, to my
city, to my state, to my country, to my world. (insert anyone you want---politicians,
impoverished nations, areas needing peace. Bring them into heart, feel the oneness.)
6. I radiate Light to everything—my home, my pets, my car, the rocks, the trees, the
minerals, food sources, the earth, the water. (insert anything you want to bless.)
7. I awaken to new possibilities and say, ‘Yes” to a greater unfolding of my life. I
welcome the unfolding of gifts, talents, abilities, and opportunities greater than I
have ever imagined.
8. I am (may insert--and all my Light bodies are) in a bubble of protective Light.
Only Light can come to me and only Light can be in my life. Let a bubble of \
Light surround each individual on the planet. Let Divine Love awaken all to
Source, to Onenes and to peace.
9. Thank you God for everyone, for everything and for me. I am love, peace, joy
and gratitude. I am in service to the Light and I am fulfilled. (Expand on what
you are thankful for if you want!)
Beautiful are the Blessings
11 months ago
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