Hey ya'll, Julie is going to be a guest on my show, Humanity101 on BlogTalkRadio! Here is a fabulous article she wrote! I would love for you to share your replies about loving your bodies madly---post a comment! Let's fall in love together.
My Body, My Love © 2008
Julie Jordan Scott
I look at my daughters – beautiful young women who amaze me with their grace and strength physically, emotionally and spiritually - and pray they will not bump into the same body-image-issues I have dealt with my entire life.
I remember as a young woman in my early 20's thinking I was limited in who would find me attractive if I wasn't statuesque and athletic, if I wasn't round enough in the right places and flat enough in other places.
I always seemed to have it backwards as far as my body was concerned.
It took a lot of loving from others and finally, a continual awakening in myself to "live the question" as was lead to write thought these words from the prompt my friend, Morgine provided:
"If my body were my lover, I would…"
For someone used to abhoring her body, this whole concept is foreign – yet as I age and become more comfortable with who I am and perhaps a subtle shift in societal norms says... statuesque and athletic is not the only desirable form.
I was surprised (and delighted) when in the free writing exercise these words came up:
Well, my body has been and is my lover – the one who never leaves me, always forgives me, fully supports me – sweet body love.
Maybe it is this realization that allows me the luxurious necessity of massage, an upcoming pedicure, the simple pleasure of clothing my body in lotion or air drying after a shower underneath the ceiling fan on a warm afternoon its breeze softly skimming my skin or letting my other lover drape himself in all of me, every part of me.
My pencil stops writing as I hold onto those images.
I let it.
Sometimes – no, most of the time, my best loving is done wordlessly.
= = =
My freewriting exercise ended sweetly, quietly and confidently.
My body has become my love.
What about you?
Write your own response to...
"If my body were my lover, I would…"
Activate Your Passion.
Julie Jordan Scott is a Writer, Life Coach, Poet, Speaker, Actor, Director and Mom Extraordinaire whose deepest passion is helping people -like you - discover and live with passion. Call 661.444.2735 to book your complimentary coaching session.
Won't you add to the conversation?
Beautiful are the Blessings
11 months ago
If my body were my lover, I would caress it with tenderness. I would cherish the comfort and roundness that my body provides a nestled head. I would love to spend time befriending it and strengthening it by spending more time with it.
If my body were my lover, I would validate it by showering it with attention and positive thoughts. I would welcome it each morning with acknowledgment and each evening I would say good night with gratitude for carrying me through the day. I would acknowledge my health, my strength, my vitality....
If my body were my lover, I would embrace each moment---each now---and live life fiercely knowing that without my body...now would not be a reality...
In this NOW, I embrace my body as my lover! For I cannot be a lover without my boyd.
Thanks Frank---I do feel so full of the love we shared...It was so painful to say good-bye---Then I realized---I am leaving the school and not them...So we have a lunch date tomorrow for anyone who wants to come....
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