Who knew that when I fell down and went boom---that I was actually manifesting being allowed to attend a healers and peace retreat! And that while there I would encounter Super MAN!
I took Mandy out of school so that we could venture to Wizard Wells, TX....
First let me explain---I am a single mother with a 10 year-old daughter. I have raised her by herself. Her biological father has never been in her life...and this has caused her to have a void in her life (and I have pretty much shut down my heart where men are concerned!)
Well, we were at the retreat and Super MAN~Daniel~entered the picture!
He carried Mandy on his shoulders when she got to tired on a 4 mile walk to try to find the lake. He took her to the hot tub. But most of all he talked to her and then listened to her! For the first time, I saw my daughter's face glow with the glow of being loved by a male...She would smile that dreamy smile and seemly float when Daniel called and texted her after we left that week-end.
Daniel is a powerful man in his mid-40s with no children of his own. He is a fire walker and taught us both to walk on glass that week-end. Daniel is not only powerful, but he knows how to love and value and support the Divine Feminine. (That walk symbolized for me a deep knowing that I can cautiously move forward in ALL areas of my life---including opening my heart!)
Daniel calls and listens to Mandy. These are not short conversations either. He is not in a rush to get off the call and the energy is not one of duty or obligation, but of real affection.
Mandy was going to a birthday party near his house and he and his girlfriend has prepared a goody bag to give to her. He made the hour drive to our house to eat dinner with us and play Wii. While he was here, he hoisted Mandy up to reach in the drain pipe where she had dropped her watch from the 2nd floor balcony!
Tonight Mandy cuddled up to me and said she was having that Daddy feeling with Daniel. I told her that Daniel was a gift from God so that she could know how it feels to have a man love her! She is at that age developmentally where she should be falling in love and wanting to marry her Daddy. Daniel is modeling to her how a boyfriend should one day treat her. He is giving her a standard of measurement by being interested, genuine and trustworthy....
Not only is Daniel healing Mandy's heart, but also mine! I am seeing that there is a man who can be giving, honest, trustworthy and committed! He is opening my heart too! See he is Super MAN!
I am blessed that Devi is secure enough in her relationship with Super MAN to allow him befriend us for we are truly blessed and my hope is that we can bless him right back!
In love,
We are the ones we have been waiting for!
Beautiful are the Blessings
11 months ago
Welcome to the wwob (wonderful world of blogging). I love the tool, but I also like knowing I've been seen! So thanks for seeing (and hearing) me. Consider yourself seen and heard. I'll be back for more.
lots of love,
PS. "Earnestine May likes your blog background!)
Thanks for sending me your blog. It fun to do even if no one reads - but it even more fun when you know you are being seen and heard. I appreciate being seeing by you Lonna. Consider yourself seen and heard too! I'll be back for more.
Lots of love,
P.S. Earnestine May likes your blog's background :)
Oh hades - I think I might have just commented two times - this one will make three. I too am still getting the hang of this!
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