Well let me kick off my first blog by saying that I am pecking this out with one hand! I fell down the flight of stairs at work a month ago and broke my wrist and a rib....Yes, a whole flight...Lucky I was not injured worse! I had to have surgery on my wrist and the dr. put a plate in it! Good golly...
People ask me how I managed to fall face first down a flight of stairs...A wonderful friend of mine told me that the angels said that they purposefully pulled the stairs out from under me to get my attention! I needed to learn how to welcome people into my life....be less independent and more interdependent! They wanted me to slow down and have reflection time!
Well...that is what happened for a month I have been laying around healing, thinking, healing and thinking!
I am presently wondering---what was I thinking? On Leap Day---I took a leap of faith and resigned from my teaching position effective at the end of the school year. I have 2 more months of income and then ---poof----nothing....I was following my intuition....My vibrational level no longer matches my work environment...I was led to find a way to live life more authentically who I am 24/7!
I live pay-check to pay-check....I receive no child support or anything else. I said after I resigned that I was either going to sprout wings and fly or fall flat on my face! Well, I have tried the fall flat on my face and I do not want to recreate this experience in my life!
So join me to see how I sprout wings and fly!
I only have 9 more school days until school is out!
Let's increase our faith together as we see how life unfolds for me....I thought I was conscious and was following divine will for mine and Mandy's highest good----Join and watch the magic unfold~
We are the ones we have been waiting for!
Beautiful are the Blessings
11 months ago
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