I have been employed at a private school in Dallas for 8 years....an administrator for 6 and 2 as a reading comprehension teacher for 10th and 11th graders. These are kids with learning differences---dyslexia, auditory processing, ADHD, etc.
I have had my juniors for 2 yrs in the classroom....
I am a hip teacher---I guess---no florescent lights---floor lamps, bean bags, etc. My primary love is the kids and connecting with them---the curriculum is always secondary and a means to reach my students.
I use music and poetry to connect with my students. They come in before school, lunch, after school----between classes I have to chase them out of my room! Sometimes they try to hide in my room so they can stay there! I am glad my room can be a safe place for them during the day! My classes like the serene environment. They beg me to mediate or teach them my stress reduction mudras or to have a Kumba-ya circle---with some touchy feel-y song!
When I feel down those blasted stairs---I lost a month with them! They emailed and texted me constantly----begging me to come back! I returned last Wed. My precious angels celebrated my return by decorating my room and have pampered me each day. They have carried my purse and my books and laptop to class or my car as I am not supposed to lift more than 2 lbs.
I resigned on Feb. 29th---Leap Day! I took a Leap of Faith and decided to create space in my life for something else to come in! I did not tell my kiddos----I wanted to wait until closer to the end of the year----Well I got my wish!
When I returned with only 7 days of school left, I decided it was not appropriate to walk in after my absence and tell them I was leaving.....So this is finals week and I am saying good-bye to each class. I am drying tears---theirs and mine!
Even my big ole high school boys are sad....One boy said he was getting sick to his stomach thinking about saying good-bye to me and went out in the hall to call his mom! They have written love notes all over my board!
So many times we leave situations in our lives without closure, and when we do, we miss the chance to feel the love that was shared and to know that love you felt and gave was real----that it was received and returned!
So many times, I think we wait to celebrate someone's contribution in our life until they are gone....So I challenge you----don't wait! Celebrate your love each day! Open your heart and give freely----Allow others to do the same to you!
I celebrate you!
In love,
We are the ones we have been waiting for!
Beautiful are the Blessings
11 months ago
1 comment:
Hi Lonna --
I'm loving your blog!
Those kids are amazing! How wonderful that they give and receive love so freely...
Congratulations on taking this next step! We all can't wait to see what happens next!
All the best!
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