You, The Psychic Connection
Do you want a program to help you expand your awareness of the angelic realm and connect with your intuition and imagination? Would you love to discover your own connection with your soul?
During this 13-week teleconference course you will learn to open up your own 6th sense and live in the world differently! We are at a time in our own unfolding in humanity...Being able to rely more fully on your on guidance is imperative to charting your way through the coming earth changes. When you trust your own intuition you live in the world differently. There is less fear and more trust!
I have been guided to offer this course to support you in opening up your own psychic channels which may include: clairaudience, clairvoyance, telepathy and precognition.
Your psychic gifts are gifts of your soul! We all have them! These beautiful gifts allow you to connect with the divine! As you connect to your gifts you will experience more light, more peace, more love. As you begin to experience life differently you will have a greater understand about life.
Together we will play with a variety of tools that will allow you to open up your gifts! This is NOT serious work, but a fun exploration of your gifts. You will need to commit about 30 minutes a day to this class during the 13-weeks! I encourage you to encourage a friend to join you as a support buddy during this class! (This is not a requirement and should not deter you! But learning with a friend enhances the process! Of course we will ALL be friends in the class!)
Here is what some previous clients have said:
Thank you for the Intuition Workshop that you offered in November. The benefits to me have been immense. I have an understanding of reaching higher states of consciousness in learning about how the brain works. I really enjoyed using different Tarot decks to access higher knowledge about myself. I loved the Soul Cards and assuming the physical position in the card for greater insights about myself. I always feel that you teach how to live in the present moment; in finding the Sacredness and Beauty in each moment in our daily lives. After learning how to access my guides and Higher Self, I feel like I had been living in darkness up to that point and suddenly, I could see clearly! It has been a deeply Sacred Gift in my life to access, communicate with, and trust my intuition. I thank you so much!
Julie Markle - Keller, TX
Growing and changing and BECOMING more I AM....thoughts, patterns, emotions are all falling away....FOR THE GREATEST GOOD OF ALL, FOR THE GREATEST GOOD OF MANKIND, AND SO IT IS...AMEN.
-A Client
I am leaving behind my mind and learning to be in the here and now with more access to my soul and my heart.
-A Client
My false self is falling away, leaving me with my I AM presence. Why would it not feel more like Home, like peace and so familiar? Instead of , I think I am losing my ego. I freely release it and welcome that peace that surpasses all understanding.
-A Client
If you want to be a part of spiritual awakening of THE PSYCHIC CONNECTION please read below is the outline of the class:
Week One The Adventure Within
Week Two Preparing for the Connection
Week Three Clearing for the Connection
Week Four Grounding for the Connection
Week Five Handling the Past and Present Before Making the Connection
Week Six Exploring the Connection with Others
Week Seven Exploring the Auric Field
Week Eight Exploring the Chakras
Week Nine Expanding Your Connections
Week Ten Meeting the Angelic Realm
Week Eleven Using the Connection for Your Own Guidance
Week Twelve Tools for Divination
Week Thirteen You and the Divine Connection!
Class will be held weekly on Sunday mornings at 10 am Central. The class will be approximately an hour in length and start January 18th, 2009. The cost is $195.
Email Lonna today for registration information at
Won't you make it a fabulous year by developing your own Psychic Connection?
Of course, if you desire more in-depth work individually with Lonna, private sessions are available.
2009 New Year READINGS
I am offering several levels of readings to assist you all in achieving all you desire this year!!! Love you all and want the best for you all!
Personal Written Numerology Chart for 2009 $50 (add to any session!)
30-Minute Astrological Overview of 2009 $65
60- Minute Astrological Overview of 2009 $100
60-Minute Astrology and Clairvoyant Session $150
90-Minute Astrology Session with Healing and Manifestation Process $200 (includes FREE Numerology Chart!)
Email Lonna today for a session at
About Humanity101
A place to consciously evolve!
Lonna Bartley
Update for 2009
Wow! 2009 is quickly approaching. If you would like an intuitive reading and personalized insight into 2009 for yourself. Those who book their reading before January 9th will receive a special channeled session during their reading as well! SO BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY!
Offer Expires: 1-9-2009; No gift certificates may be used on this special
Beautiful are the Blessings
11 months ago
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