Presently many of my clients are experiencing fear and stress around the failing financial structures! They are wondering if life is unfolding in Divine Order and are struggling with the monster I call FEAR!
As a child, I used to be afraid that monsters were hiding in the closet and under the bed! I would hide under the covers. I would call-in my parents to check. I would know with certainty that evil lurked in the dark and when the lights went back out that those monsters would reappear in the shadows of my room!
Fear is like that monster. We know that monsters don’t really exist and yet, the FEAR Monster is haunting society today and wreaking havoc EVERYWHERE! Where are the MONSTER BUSTERS?
We are each called to slay our own monsters! Whether we are afraid because of finances, partnership, family, love, career or health, our monsters are scary and the tendency is to hide, to run, and/or to deny its existence!
Busting our monsters may need to come in the form of personal power. Standing up to the monster and confronting what the monster is there to teach us! Yet, that is required…to be present and feel that fear and trust that we are not going to be devoured by our emotional body! But that requires trust and surrender! Surrendering to the knowledge that we are more powerful than what we are running from!
Surrender can be scary to most of us! We perceive we are surrendering to the monster and feelings of annihilation surface. Surrender can feel like we are waving the white flag and giving up, giving into something that has the power to consume us! Or we can perceive it as failure or as feeling out of control. Or as powerlessness! Our egos, our minds would prefer that we control life and our circumstances. Our egos cause us to respond in need of self-protection, out of fear!
Many times we try to control the situation---how many of us slept with the light on so the monsters would go away? Did the light on really keep the monsters away? Were we really in control with the lights on? Were we really in our power or trying to waylay our fear when we called turned on the lights or called our parents? Control is an illusionary state. How many times have you divined to act in a certain way or say a certain thing to manipulate the situation to get the outcome you wanted? Or have you even given up control to please others?
Today won’t you ask yourself, “What FEAR monster am I running from?” “What false belief am I clinging to?” Sometimes the tighter that we cling to outcomes, the greater the stirring in the universe to shatter our illusions that we can dictate the outcome of our lives!
Control is a type of resistance. Control shuts down our energy field it restricts, tightens our auras! We are not meant to live in this state…We are meant to be EXPANSIVE. We are meant to live in our Greatness. I am not talking about ego-driven greatness, but from the Divine Connection that comes from our heart and the love that we are! It is within this heart space we connect with our Divine Truth and offer our lives to others. It is in this space that there is no attack and no separation! There is nothing to defend and nothing to control, for all is unfolding in divine order.
Remember the movie “Monsters, Inc.”? Boo loved Sulley. It was her love and trust that transformed the Fear Factory.
Does this mean that the FEAR Monster will ever leave completely and that we will never have feelings of separation or doubt or fear or failure? Of course not. But it does mean that in these moments we meet ourselves with loving kindness. No judgment. Allow yourself to be blameless and look beneath the action or reaction to see what precipitated your response. For this is the place where true healing can occur!
We are all being called to be Boo and to live with more conscious awareness--to be fully present in each moment and align with the Divine Consciousness. We are asked to align with our passions and to live purposefully. For it is with boredom that we become complacent and apathetic and thusly, slip into unconsciousness.
The Monsters in Monsters, Inc transformed when they looked at how they were using their power to fulfill the needs of the community! Presently, the Universe is asking us to look at the way we direct our power and accept full responsibility that we consciously co-create our life!
So fulfill the needs in your life with your Divine Heart energy and lovingly connect with love and light that you are! The Fear Monster cannot reside within this space of LOVE!
Beautiful are the Blessings
11 months ago