Saturday, May 30, 2009

Message from the Angels

Beauty is what we see within you.  Beauty of the Light you carry.  Beauty is in your heart. Beauty is what you create.  

When you close yourself off to the Light, you cut off the ability to create Beauty and instead you receive chaos.  In the reality you call life, many of you grew up in families in which chaos was considered normal.  Now as you have grown up you continue to create lives of chaos!  

When life seems boring you look for ways to excite your life.  You seem to be fed by stirring up situations that bring out the stimulation you crave.  You lack the ability to be grateful for the peace within.  Your addiction to the chaos drowns out the Beauty you could create.

We ask you today to examine how you might bring more Peace, more Beauty in your life.  

Beauty is a by-product of the Light.  Yet, you withhold it from yourself.  We invite you to welcome beauty into your life.  Welcome the opportunity to see life from a set of eyes that see only love.  As you read this we are offering you the opportunity to be downloaded with an energy that will assist you in aligning with Beauty.  First you must recognize what Beauty is! This is the gift we offer today.

Say "Yes!"  Open and receive.  Feel the energies that are available to you now!  

We love you,
The Angelic Realm

Friday, May 29, 2009

Message from the Angels

Breathe and feel yourself connect fully to this moment.  Notice how you become present with yourself.  As you become present you notice that you can bring your energy back to you.  You may have been concerned about a broken toilet, a child's activities, communication with a partner or boss, financial challenges.  None of those things are to be resolved NOW! 

When you are fully present you let go of all those ideas and instead come into the fullness of NOW!  When you are fully present you are fully connected to the Source that is within you.

So Breate.  Connect with Source.  Connect with Life.  

From this place of Centeredness, move forward...flow with Life.  

We love you,
The angelic realm

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Message from the Angelic Realm



It is simple isn't it? This one ability keeps you attached to the physical. Breath connects you to the body and when it ceases you join us!

Honor your breath. Honor that this connection allows you to be a spiritual being with a body.

As you breath and breath deeply and slowly, connect to your body and ground yourself in the physical plane. It is through the breath you are quickly able to connect with your Divinity and be fully present in the totality of your I AM presence.

You can then take this feeling of joy, of love, of completeness, of peace, of wholeness, of abundance into next moments of your life.

If you find yourself disconnected....remember BREATHE.

It really is that easy! Breath!

We love you~

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Message from the Angelic Realm


Good morning beautiful beings of Light. This day has been created for the full of expression of your Beingness. With each breath you take, you have the ability to make manifest the Glory of God. There is nothing you "need" to do in order to do this. The only think that you must do is feel that you are the manifestation of the Glory of the God and live from this center. This requires that you know this about yourself.

We delight in you! We love you!

Today you are asked~how would you like to manifest your Glory? Contemplate. Sit with it. Inhale it. Release any doubt about your Glory and bring into your being the joy of whatever you would like to express in your Glory....

This is what we call living.

The Beings of Love and Light

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I am back

Hello Beloveds,
I have been having an internally experience the last few months.  I have just been going into my ownself and recalling my energy to me and learning to breathe!

Have you taken breath journeys and learned to connect with the fullness of your soul?  Allowing yourself to be present with your breath is a blessing and joy.  It provides an easy way to calm the mind and brings clarity!

Now I am clearer about my personal offerings in the world....what brings me joy.  I am planning to begin to start posting more regularly and twittering too!  You can follow me at lonnabartley on twitter!

I am going to start posting channeled messages here! So stay tuned!

I love you all,