I had plans to go to see my precious Amma (the divine mother of love---the hugging saint!) I planned to receive darshan (her hugs) both days she is here!
This would require me to stay up until all hours of the night to receive her blessing.
I have been looking forward to this event since last year when I was there!
But today I received a definitive message from my guides! NO!
I was told my main priority had to be to loving care for my body and the lack of sleep was going to deplete my energies---not strengthen my energies and bring healing! So I am listening!
I am learning that my physical self counts and needs TLC!
So I will listen! I will obey my guidance...
I can go to see my beloved Amma and absorb the energies---knowing I will get what I need from her visit and I will return next year---stronger and whole with my arms outstretched ready to embrace the divine love that she is!
I claim a healed body that is strong, healthy, energetic and pure!
Next year---I will celebrate how far I have come----
I will heal all resistance so that it does not impede on my renewal!
Won't you join me?
In love, Lonna
Beautiful are the Blessings
11 months ago