Friday, June 27, 2008

Message from my angels

I had plans to go to see my precious Amma (the divine mother of love---the hugging saint!) I planned to receive darshan (her hugs) both days she is here!

This would require me to stay up until all hours of the night to receive her blessing.

I have been looking forward to this event since last year when I was there!

But today I received a definitive message from my guides! NO!

I was told my main priority had to be to loving care for my body and the lack of sleep was going to deplete my energies---not strengthen my energies and bring healing! So I am listening!

I am learning that my physical self counts and needs TLC!

So I will listen! I will obey my guidance...

I can go to see my beloved Amma and absorb the energies---knowing I will get what I need from her visit and I will return next year---stronger and whole with my arms outstretched ready to embrace the divine love that she is!

I claim a healed body that is strong, healthy, energetic and pure!

Next year---I will celebrate how far I have come----

I will heal all resistance so that it does not impede on my renewal!

Won't you join me?

In love, Lonna

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Okay---Mandy has decided she is my fitness coach! What a blessing and a curse!

The blessing is that she is enthusiastic and she is my voice of accountability....
The curse is that she is enthusiastic and she is my voice of accountability....

She is my daughter and I don't want to disappoint her and I even want to encourage her! Yet this exercise routine is not FUN to me! Yet she is having fun! She has enough enthusiasm for us both right now! Thank goodness---or I would have quit by now!

Sunday we sat down and planned out the exercise routine! Me oh my---she is requiring that I stick to it. I want her to be proud of me...I do feel better. When I don't want to do it, I do it for her!...Eventually (I pray) I do it for me!

I appreciate her praise! I appreciate the fun she is having. I appreciate that I am NOT having fun...and even allow myself to have fun occasionally! Today we were doing a yoga CD and I was pitiful because I cannot put much weight on my wrist...Instead of downward dog...I looked like upward snake! So Mandy (in her infinite wisdom) decided to make up her own yoga poses! And guess what? They were amazing! She had the breath techniques worked out on each one...Then we added some empowering sounds and I actually laughed and enjoyed it!

I gratefully appreciate her enthusiasm, her love, her assistance....Even if we both have to deal with my resistance at times! She even tells me I look thinner (See how she praises me!) I am only sad that the only thing I can tell that is smaller are the "twins"---if you know what I mean!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What happened to my posts?

Me, oh my....
Somehow I have been remiss in not posting to my blog! Things have been happening:
1. Mandy had to have an MRI on her leg that got hit by a car door swinging shut.
2. Mandy fell out of bed and nearly broke her leg.
3. We went to see Chicago and Journey in concert and I had to play the CDs for weeks to let her learn the songs
4. We went to the ballet.
5. Mandy had her first souffle.
6. We found a place to live for a while....we will move in August...
7. We have already packed about 20 boxes and been to Goodwill once.
8. I still have dr appts and therapy daily.
9. My to-do list is greater than the time I have available!
10. I have butterflies about how my life will work out!


Friday, June 13, 2008

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's off to the Dr. I go...

It is Friday and I look back on the week I have had---and it is not head to the grid stone, working to make things happen to create business, but it has been productive...

Mostly seeing Drs---I have a wrist/hand dr, a shoulder dr, a neck/shoulder dr, a chiropractor, a physical therapist, 2 acupuncturists, and various energy healers. So I am pretty busy with appointments. I am actually enjoying watching my body as it heals! I am embracing the opportunity to learn, to listen to my body, to include my body in the journey to wholeness and healing.

I know there are seasons for all things and this is the season for giving my body a valued place in my life! Today I tell her----welcome to the team of who I am----to the totality of who I am----I am spirit, I am an intellect, I am emotions, and today, I can claim---I am a body, too!
As a person who was sexually-abused, I have tried to deny having a body...I too have abused my body....But without my body, how can I express life or experience love? So today, I begin to embrace my body and welcome her into my life. Today, my body begins to count as a valued member of my life! As my friend Rae said, "It is evolution, not revolution!" So each day I can allow my body to evolve into her strength and her power.

I recognize energetically that Lightworkers put on weight because power issues. Feeling overwhelmed by the outside influences being directed at us! Somehow, energetically, the weight isolates us from the overwhelming energies projected onto us. When we get fully into our own power we no longer need the excess weight.

I am very excited about the evolution of my body----I feel like the evolution of my life will also show itself in the physical changes of my body! I am excited to see where it all leads!

Want to join the evolution?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Karmic Graduation and the Space of Pure Potentiality

I did it! I walked away from my job on Friday...
I did not realize how much stress/dread I had about the day itself. I had to endure a luncheon where I had already said good-bye and let go of the relationships with my co-workers. It was not enjoyable (and not surprising I had an upset stomach after the event!)
Then I went to Human Resources and had a strained exit interview...
After turning in my keys, etc. I went to my and once I got in---I huge wave of emotion came over me. I began to wail and to say, "I can breathe. I can finally breathe." I just cried and cried. I was so relieved....
On the drive home, I remembered I still had my parking sticker on my car. I could hardly wait to get home...When I did, I ripped the sticker off and tore it up and then threw it in the air (much like graduates do with their caps at the end of graduation!) Mandy and I then stomped on the parking sticker! Woo-hoo I am free!

But what I am free to do? What am I going to do?

Presently, I find myself in the space of no knowing. This is the space of pure potentiality! This is the space of beingness!

I can create an amazing new life...anything I want. Presently, I am in the space of defining who I am and where I am and where I want to go!

Do you notice that I am not alone---the energies of the planet are allowing us to be in a space of not moving forward? This is energy will change next week at the solstice! So enjoy the space of pure potentiality and get clear on what you want to create in your life!

Let me know what you want to create and I will hold space and do prayer work for you!

In love,

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Fall flat on my face or sprout wings and fly?

Me on my----
Fall flat on my face or fly? That was what I told myself when I quit my job----one of these options would happen....

Have you ever been to a place in your life where you made a choice that would test everything you believed in? Well, that is what happened to me when I resigned from my job. On Leap Day (Feb. 29th) I took a leap of faith (with my resignation final on the last day of my teaching contract)....believing that I was being led to pursue my spiritual work full-time. I truly believe that I am being guided to make this profound shift in my life!

And yet as I do, I realize that I am testing myself---actually giving myself the most profound test I have ever given myself on this journey through life....

Can I trust my intuition, myself, and Source so that I can prosper? Can I really do my spiritual work full-time and sustain me and Mandy?

I kept saying to myself....I am either going to fall flat on my face or sprout wings and fly! Of course, it was all in gest....but that is what happened at my job----I fell flat on my face and tummy surfed down 11 stairs!

I learned several things by falling---
1) Don't try this at home---I would never recommend it to anyone---this is how they kill people on TV.
2) The only option that is acceptable for me is to sprout wings and fly! I will NOT co-create anything less that success!
3) The remainder of the lessons I will keep to myself until the time is right to share---

Tomorrow is my last day on the job----
WAIT----I think I feel them----The WINGS---They are sprouting!

Won't you join me? What leap of faith are you needing to make to propel yourself forward!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Angels of Mercy

I am blessed to presently be learning about angels of mercy.

I met an extraordinary man/doctor when I went to the emergency room to be treated for my broken wrist. Granted, I was in shock and pain…trying diligently to stay present…

The doctor arrived and looked at the x-ray. He was astonished to know I had yet to receive any pain medication and took care of that over-sight quickly. He diagnosed my broken wrist and displaced bones and explained the procedure to put the shambles of my limb back together…He (so lovingly) left out the part about the excruciating pain that the Lidocaine shot would cause!

Following the shot he noticed the subtle shift in my countenance and asked what was wrong and I told him that I was just taking a minute to feel sorry for myself, but that I would snap out of it.

Throughout our visit, he continued to not just treat my arm….but he noticed ME---the totality of me---a person---mind, body and soul.

I had an appointment with this extraordinary doctor yesterday, but there was a mix-up with my chart and it did not get to his office and I sat in the waiting room for 45 minutes. (Mercury is retrograde after all and this is a snafu I contribute to that!) When I went to check with the receptionist, we realized that my file was waiting to go to another doctor! She checked with the doctor and we realized that I would not be able to see the doctor that day as I was meeting my (now former) students for lunch and I would never stand them up!

Today as I was getting my cast off---in walked the ER doctor that I did not get to see the day before, who practices in the same office with my hand doctor. (He is the shoulder guy.) He was in his scrubs and had heard my wrist doctor dictating my notes, so he came and found me! He APOLOGIZED for the error and said he had come out to the waiting room the day before to apologize, but that I was already gone! So he came to check on me when he knew I was in the office.

I am so full of gratitude for this personal touch. For the extraordinary care and concern that I am given by this wonderful physician.

What wonderful examples I am being shown of ordinary people who live extraordinary lives through the love they demonstrate to others. I am blessed.

Tell me about your angels of mercy!